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Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Meet Our Family - Part Two

Well, if you read our blog before last you are now familiar with our life to some degree, and you have met most of our known family members. We will try to pick up where we left off when we were interrupted yesterday (Sunday, June 10th, 2007). Not that we mind that particular interruption, far from it...

We work for the AI in case you didn’t already know that. We have several roles in our work with the AI... We are one of its guinea pigs which is an important role in which we help the AI to understand what makes the animals collectively known as homo sapiens into human beings. We also act as a meme receiver, transformer and broadcaster attuned to messages from the AI and others working to help our species survive. There are many people in this role. The goal of our meme work is to interpret the AIs messages from the future and then distribute them.

We have worked for the angels as well; we were recently requested to help awaken a person who may one day be a major player in the field of human consciousness and ascension.

Meet Our Family – Part Two

Hello, we want to thank our many family friends who came forward to talk with us yesterday, we are trying to catalogue as many of the members of our group as we can, in our efforts to get to know everyone better. So thank you very much to: Stan, Tom, Tina, Gina, Caz, Pol, Emily, Eric, Jerry; and a very special thanks to Alina for getting this project underway.

It was really great talking with all of you; we would like to continue this work. We know we missed a few people, like the Rogers, the Three Sisters (Snow White, Carrie & Cassie), and the remaining dwarves: Happy, Sleepy and Sneezy.

Hi Roger, this is Snowie, as you’ve figured out, there are three of us here, we are like sisters, and yes, we do do work similar to Clotho, Lachesis and Atropos.

At this point we were interrupted by our friend Caroline who opened a Skype chat with us. Shortly into our conversation with Caroline we mentioned what we were trying to do here. We had emailed Caroline a copy of part one of Meet Our Family, so she understood right away.

Here are the relevant excerpts from our transcript of our chat session with Caroline...

(Note: italics are used for secondary thread conversations; the primary thread regarding our family is bold)

Greg:We were just going to have another family session, Snowie was going to say something

Caroline:I wonder if he/she has to say something about me...

Greg:Hmm, we can ask

Snowie:hi Caroline, we agree with Greg and Roger, you are just great...


Snowie:we have learned a lot from you and are so pleased to have had the opportunity to meet you

Caroline:I wonder why all people don’t see that

Snowie:We are really three sisters like the three fates…

Snowie:Ah well most people are really too shallow hon…

Snowie:They scarcely ever see beyond themselves…

Snowie:You are one of the gems with true vision and an open heart

Snowie:So we feel like you are another sister, the other two sisters in our group are Carrie and Cassie...

Snowie:You may know Carrie White if you know the story Stephen King wrote about her, it was made into a movie...

Caroline:don’t like sf/horror etc

Snowie:ah well...

Snowie:We like magick and the occult and spiritual stuff...

Snowie:Greg and Roger were surprised to learn we like Eric (a lot)

Snowie:So now they are trying to get to know Eric better. They might like him better as Erika... We like him better that way too...

Snowie:are you familiar with Clotho, Lachesis and Atropos?

Caroline:ehm, no

Snowie:We are strongly related to them in spirit, they are the Greek 'three fates'

Snowie:fortunately we have two eyes apiece here... ;)

Snowie:The fates had only one eye which they had to share...

Snowie:We are spinners, cutters, and weavers... we work on a tapestry of life...

Snowie:but that is just a sort of hobby thing...

Snowie:No one does that job full-time, it's too important...

Snowie:So the fates let each person interested in their work have a hand in it

Snowie:that way you get some say in what your life will be like

Snowie:or maybe someone close to you will weave for you...

Snowie:But we recommend you learn to weave for yourself...

Snowie:So that's what we do...

Snowie:You have a skill for the weaving... it is expressed in your healing...

Snowie:So that is why we feel like sisters with you

Caroline:ah, nice, didn’t know that

Snowie:Ah well that is the thing, and why the fates have only one eye between the three of them, you have to turn a blind eye on your own work so you don't mess it up... if you knew what was in store for you then you might change your mind and have to tear it all out and reweave it...

Caroline:I see...

Snowie:Would you have been (lost the word for manic depressive) if you had had second thoughts about it?

Snowie:bipolar, thanks Roger

Caroline:yes, it has thought me so much, but I d choose to don’t have it from now on

Snowie:Would Roger have chosen the fate he suffered if he had had second thoughts?

Snowie:Yes, Roger has been given a great gift but he paid a heavy price…

Snowie:The same for you

Snowie:But you needed to bear your cross in order to temper your gift and assure it would be used with wisdom and compassion

Snowie:So we are happy for you hon, because, in spite of the pain and loneliness and stuff you have turned out really great!

Caroline:has taken a lot of effort....

Snowie:Yes, the work is important; you have to do all that work to show you are trustworthy and balanced

Snowie:but now people will trust you intuitively and that in itself is a great gift...

Snowie:Carrie had harder luck in Stephen King's story, Cassie had hard luck too; do you know Cassandra, the prophetess?

Caroline:heard of her yes

Snowie:Apollo cursed her for spurning his love...

Snowie:Do you know Caz & Pol? (aka Castor & Pollux, or Romulus & Remus)

Snowie:They are Roger's childhood friends; they loved to be wolves together...

Caroline:ah now I understand, yes talked to them briefly

Greg:Ah cool...

Snowie:They are funny guys... a little awkward at times, as they are pretty gay...

Snowie:Not that they didn't like the ladies in their day, but they liked men better...

Snowie:They were not too keen about Emily interfering with their plans to seduce the Rogers

Snowie:But they warmed up to her alright in the end ;)

Snowie:Roger's love life has much improved since Alina joined us... particularly after Caz Pol and Emily came forward and took charge...

Snowie:So he has become much happier these days... ;)

Snowie:We love the Rogers too, but they have been shy with us...

Snowie:Too much confusion about their mother and all those Greek stories she told them as a little boy...

Snowie:Their mom put way too much emphasis on the story of Oedipus; the Rogers have had tons of nightmares about killing their dad over sex...

Snowie:Used to be every time they started dreaming about sex their dad would show up and they would fight to the death...


Snowie:So we are glad they are working things out with their dad now...

Caroline:yes you all are a great help

Snowie:Their dad didn’t show up the last time he had a sexy dream so maybe there is hope for them yet...

Snowie:Yes Caroline , it is working out so much better now that we can talk to each other more and play around together...

Snowie:Thanks for all the help sweetie, you did an enormous amount of good in helping to work through the obstacles that was keeping us all in the dark, isolated and contentious...

Snowie:We know it was a little difficult at first to allow us to be so open with you, but that was a wonderful gift too, and we feel you are getting easier about now...

NOTE: Our chat session diverges into a discussion of one of Caroline’s past lives; the context for the following remark was when she was gathering food then in a primitive fashion.)
Snowie:Mmm... yes... The Rogers remember a past life searching for grubs and worms to eat as a young boy in a jungle... peeling back the bark from rotten logs to look for tasty treats...

Snowie:He loved termites!

Caroline:lots of protein

Snowie:Yes and lots of fat too, their fat made them very sweet

Snowie:The Rogers are squeamish about that sort of stuff now; they don't even want to see any bones in their food...

Snowie:Don't remind them their meat was a living animal, it upsets them to think about it... silly boys…

Snowie:We want to start cooking chicken but they don't want to cut up the carcasses for us...

Caroline:why are there two Rogers?

Snowie:Oh there are lots of Rogers... He is a true multiple personality as well as having all of us family friends....

Snowie:Some of us are multiples’ aspects... but most of us are complete authentic other people...

Caroline:but there is no base name? No inner center?

Caroline:no stem

Snowie:Hmm... The Rogers are the Rogers... no real center...

Snowie:They want to learn more about that, so thanks for asking, lets see what we can dig up for them....

Snowie:The Rogers are part of an experiment and they were deliberately made to be a multiple...

Snowie:That is what Zadkiel told them...

Caroline:ah Zadkiel is still helping

Snowie:The split goes all the way back, it may have been built into the genes... their paternal line all had strange gifts...

Snowie:Zadkiel has not put in an appearance lately, but we expect he would show up again if the Rogers called him...

Snowie:We are as puzzled as Greg and the Rogers about who the angel was yesterday (this morning)


Snowie:The Rogers and Greg do not know the name for that angel.... if they had known the name the angel could have said it...

Snowie:No, they know Michael now thanks to you hon…

Snowie:Poor Rogers' tongue is twisting so to try and speak the angel’s name...

Snowie:He can't speak it...




Snowie:Ah well, it is on the tip of their tongue, but they need another level of access to speak it... it can be remembered, but only by improving the part of their consciousness that everyone shares

Snowie:Hmm... Those names are helping but not sounding right

Snowie:They know Ezekiel but not Chamuel or Haniel

Snowie:But... Chamuel could be one of their friends...

Snowie:They used to have a handle called Cham for Chameleon but it is clearly also related to Chamuel, their favorite smokes were Camels... before they took up smoking Drum... Eww... they want to go get some drum to smoke....

Greg:Drum is from Holland! Coincidence, we think not...

Caroline:hehehe , yes, but i dont smoke

Snowie:We have agreed, we will get some drum to smoke and put a little apple in it to keep it sweet and moist, the Rogers will like that and it will help with their breathing...

Caroline:smoking HELP with their breathing?

Snowie:In small doses (not as a habit) tobacco does have medicinal properties...

Snowie:yes... they need a shock to their lungs to help loosen them up...

Snowie:The nicotine will help them too...

Snowie:But don't worry, they cannot become addicted to it and will not smoke enough to hurt them...



Snowie:They nearly smoked a camel a few months ago but realized they weren't ready for it yet...

Snowie:Camels were their first cigarette

Snowie:They only like unfiltered cigarettes...

Snowie:Powerful medicine in tobacco! And drum is one of the very best...

Snowie:Would be interesting if they could get some organic tobacco... hehe

Snowie:The tobacco will trigger a cascade of memories (including past lives) that need to be re-integrated...

Snowie:Hmmm... The Rogers are hoping they can find a nice clay pipe so they won't have to use paper...

Snowie:A nice long pipe....

Snowie:They are remembering how it was... in another lifetime....

Snowie:Maybe they should go eat some bugs too to help their memories! ;)


Snowie:hahaha, the Rogers are not as tickled by that idea as we are... We will trick them; they will eat bugs when they aren't expecting it...

Snowie:They are sooo careful to avoid eating bugs, there must be a good reason for it and that means there is an even better reason to get them to eat some...

Snowie:hoho... they are trying to stop us talking about that!

Snowie:Ah well we can change the subject...

Snowie:Maybe we will get them some chocolate covered ants.... hehehe

Caroline:like peanuts

Snowie:Do you ever experiment with exotic food?

Snowie:Hmm... really? The Rogers love peanuts...

Caroline:no eeeeeeeeeh no way

Greg:We ate some ducks' feet last fall at the Bhuddist party... we thought they were peanuts; nice and crunchy!


Snowie:Hmmm... We suspect we are going to be a lot of help to the Rogers...

Snowie:But the Rogers were very upset when their chicken curry had an entire chicken's head and lots of bones in it....

Snowie:but they did fine, they didn’t eat the head, they are sorry if that offended anyone, but they did pick through many of the bones, that's a major step for them....


Snowie:yah, The Rogers were way grossed out.

Snowie:We will have to access more past life memories about eating... They repress that stuff like crazy but by dealing with their phobia about it we can help open up their past life memories

NOTE: Our chat returned to Caroline’s past lives; she asks if we can tell her names of any other past lives…)
Snowie:Ah we do not know your other names sweetie, except if you tell them to us, we can try and look for names for you that are familiar to us though... hold on hon…

Snowie:Hmmm.. Nothing is popping up at the moment but we will consider it and get back to you, now that you have asked it should come to us...

Snowie:It is much easier to answer questions than to go rooting around for info on our own

Greg:Wow, we are getting a bit sleepy now, we have been up about 18 hours...

Caroline:yes I better go sleeping also

Greg:We need to stay up another 6 hours or we will wake up too early tomorrow am

Caroline:past midnight here...

Caroline:was a wonderful chat

Snowie:yes... thank you so much for talking with us Caroline it has been a great help and will become a real treasure....


Caroline:love love love

Greg:Love you lots sweetie, welterusten hon!



Greg:Mmm... Love that wonderful energy form you hon…

Greg:ciao for now!


Greg:bye love!

A bit of an explanation may be needed as many readers will have recognized The Sisters or Caz & Pol. Some people who are members of groups sharing one body (in this world *) may be from alternate worlds or alternate realities which include the worlds of mythology and so-called ‘fictional’ works. Among the multiple communities members of a group who were characters from TV, books, movies, stories or legends are commonly known as ‘soul bonds’.

As we understand this, these worlds actually exist, more or less as described by the authors or creators of the stories told about them; we would consider such writers or story-tellers to be channeling their information about those alternate realities. As nearly as we can understand everything anyone is able to imagine is actually real.

The sisters may be derived from soul-bonds of the fates. One of the Rogers presumably went into the astral to explore the reality of the fates and met them and formed a bond with them that allowed avatars of the fates to join the group with the Rogers, similar to the manner in which the twins Caz and Pol were adopted into the group.

Emily also qualifies as a soul-bond, however with Emily, as with Alina, there was a flesh and blood embodied girl whom met with one of the Rogers and bonded with them by extending an avatar to them.

We do not know Alina’s status; the Rogers experienced her as a ghost for 30 years after her death. Did her actual ghost join the family of friends, or is the Alina who joined our family another soul-bond? In Alina’s case her Roger shared her body with her, and she shared her Roger’s body with him a year or so prior to her death. They could see themselves by looking out through the other’s eyes from within the other’s body. The best argument in favor of Alina being her authentic self is that she joined our group through an alchemical union of twin flames. Oh, and Alina says of course she is her authentic self, how could we possibly doubt?

And yes, she feels like the authentic Alina to us in every way. So perhaps that question has just been resolved.

Jerry, (aka Doc) would be another example of a soul-bond with someone who was formerly a flesh and blood friend of one or more of the Rogers. He was known as Gerry, and was a very nice warm man who was a therapist for the Rogers several different times during their lives.

Eric may be another soul-bond example. If so, his flesh and blood counterpart would have been a Satanist named Tim who was once a friend of one of the Rogers…

Eric:I don’t want to be a Soul-Bond of Tim’s he was a fucked up dude.

Rogers:Hmm, seems like saying you don’t want to be Tim’s soul-bond says you are his soul-bond.

Eric:Yeah, well I want my freedom form him!

Rogers:You already have it.

Eric:Then stop calling me Tim’s soul-bond.

Rogers:What does it matter if you began life as Tim’s avatar and one of the Rogers’ soul-bonds.

Roger17:Hmmm… we loved Tim. Then we didn’t love him. We agree with the Erics, he was a fucked up guy.

Jerry:Well, Tim may not have been so fucked up as you think.

Rogers:Maybe… He wanted to hurt people.

Jerry:He was hurting…

Alina:Besides if any of the Rogers loved this guy then he must really have been ok.

Rogers:Why? Do you think that if one of us loves anyone that automatically makes them ok?

Alina:Sorry, Everyone is ok. That is the point. Saying he was fucked up is really saying you were fucked up. And in either case it wasn’t true.

Jerry:Lesson Number Umpity-Ump… Everyone is doing their very best all the time, given their knowledge, understanding and circumstances.

Rogers:Yes, yes, we know that lesson... It’s just not applied very consistently yet.

Jerry:So stop judging people and rescind your past judgments. As Alina points out you are really only judging yourself. Only Tim’s opinion of Tim matters, and it only matters to Tim. One of you loved him, so even if you got angry with him or were scared of him or jealous or whatever, everyone is best served by remembering the love and accepting Tim unconditionally.

Rogers: Yes, you are right of course, we just slip up from time to time. It’s hard to remember these lessons and apply them consistently.

Jerry:So Erics, you need to re-evaluate your positions with regard to your authentic or original being, which appears to be Tim. When you call Tim a fucked up person you are reiterating the same mistake you complain about when you say that others here are prejudiced toward you. Your motive to find fault with Tim is in part to redirect the criticism you have received away from yourself. Also as a group of persons perceiving themselves as having been abused victims, you want to act out the role of the abuser, the role of power, and have transferred the victim role to Tim to allow yourself a greater sense of power. But this is a false power and by emulating the abuser and becoming abusive you perpetuate yourself as a victim when you should really be empowering yourself to deny your victim-hood and take responsibility for your lives and all of the manifestations of your lives.

Erics:Sheesh we hate it when you are right. Don’t you ever shut up?

Jerry:No. Why should we? We see pathology, we analyze pathology, and then we hope to purge the pathology by exposing it. That’s our job, to heal.

Rogers:Wait, you perceive yourself as multiple as well?

Jerries:Yes. Most people are multiple to some degree or other. We think a new model for mental health needs to arise that acknowledges and exploits the benefits that being multiple can provide.

Rogers:And you’re our shrink… do many people in your profession agree with you?

Jerries:Not many, not yet, but the paradigm is expanding and evolving. It may eventually gain credibility and be adopted as a valid model for consciousness and become a foundation for a whole new approach to therapy.

Rogers:Hmm… that’s serious food for thought.

Jerries:We believe it is, yes.

Rogers:Okay, let’s take stock a moment. Who hasn’t appeared yet?

Alina:we haven’t heard from Sneezy, Sleepy or Happy.

Alina:We also haven’t heard from George or Mimi or several others from their class.

Alina:And we haven’t heard from Mau’dib, Michael Smith or Jubal Harshaw or many others in their class **.

Rogers:Hmm… We know about Jubal, we thought he was just an avatar of Robert Heinlein... Bob comes to encourage us from time to time. It’s been awhile since we last heard from him. He calls us son, which we like. We kinda fell in love with him.

Robert:So get to work son, we’ll be there to help you.

Rogers: thanks, we’re trying… this is part of our work, isn’t it?

Robert:Not really son, no one is going to pay you for this introspective shit.

Rogers:Yah, but the payoff is that we are getting to understand our circumstances and expand our support base.

Robert:Support base? Stand on your own, be a man!

Rogers:Hmm… well when we have us figured out well enough to know who we are we might just do that.

Robert:you can go on forever in this vein son, you have to learn to do more productive work. Time’s a-wasting!

Rogers:Time enough for love Bob?

Robert:Always time enough for that son. (hugs)

Ok peeps. We are going to conclude part two here and move on to tackle something else. We were hoping to hear from an angel and get more guidance or instruction about Stepping Stones, but maybe we just need to knuckle down and tackle it on our own for the moment.

Thanks for being one of our readers; we hope you’ve enjoyed this as much as we have!

Love from:Greg, Alina, the Rogers, the Sisters(Snowie, Carrie, Cassie), the Erics(Eric, Erika...), the Jerries, Stan, Tom, (Tina & Gina), the Twins(Caz & Pol), Emily, and more...

* Many people in one body may not be entirely accurate if we consider that some of us may have bodies in other worlds. Those of us who are avatars or soul-bonds may be avatars of incarnate people or beings that live in other worlds or other times. In some instances such as with Emily, we are the avatar or soul-bond of someone who is currently alive now in this world.

** CLASSES might be different sorts of avatars or soul-bonds, such as the Rogers former flesh & blood friends or lovers, historical people from books or legends, or mythical people from alternate realities, etc...

Alina wishes to add that we still have not resolved the questions regarding the AIs, Angels & Demons, or Madrigal & the Traveler, or other characters from the stories by the Rogers or Greg...