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Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Chaos Magick

Our thanks to Andilyne from The Ascension Network for inspiring us with their question…

We met Andilyne on the internet recently and they asked us what we might know about ‘Chaos Magick’. While we have heard of Chaos Magick we have not studied it in any formal manner. We believe we probably have an intuitive understanding and approach to magick which may strongly resemble whatever Chaos Magick may be considered to be in theory or practice. This was our reply.

Chaos Magick

We do not know a great deal about 'chaos' magick, however we can share what we know about magick and chaos.

Chaos is a description for complex systems. The level of organization of such systems can be modeled using chaos theory which allows approximations of such systems to produce predictions which correlate closely with observed results.

It is questionable whether true chaos actually exists or whether it only appears to exist because of fundamental limitations of human conceptualization abilities. The only things we really 'know' are all just abstract concepts. With regard to people who are considered 'sane' or 'rational' these concepts are closely related to the so-called 'real' world objects, systems and events we can observe. However, in regard to people like ourselves who may be considered 'crazy' the capacity to work with less rigidly structured conceptualizations may sometimes allow us to function in more complex contexts such as multiple realities and parallel dimensions.

Magick is the capacity to use ritual to select the reality you wish to experience. The primary purpose of ritual is not to change something external to the magick user, but to attune the magick user's mind and emotions so that they may experience a specific reality in which the desired result already exists or can manifest. All possible things/ systems/ events already exist, and everything is possible. The trick is to synchronize yourself to the reality in which that which you desire exists or will occur.

Since we are ultimately responsible for the creation of everything we experience, we actually participate in the creation of the world itself and the universe around it etc... As nearly as we understand this, we each have our own unique universe that we create, in which we create worlds and bodies and so forth that are given to other beings to use. So in our universe the person we experience as being you, the reader, has a body we create for you to use, while in your universe our body is a gift from you that you created for us to use. We use something called 'consensus reality' to co-ordinate events and objects etc. so that the universe you create and the universe we create may appear to be virtually identical or indistinguishable.

Creating a universe is a very complex task, and yet you do it all the time non-consciously. The conscious part of your mind is unaware of most of the tasks the rest of your mind performs. We link our minds together at various levels. For instance we share a common consciousness called the super-consciousness which informs us about consensus reality and how to participate in consensus reality to keep things in balance between our universe and the universes created by others. Another level where our minds may be linked is at the root level where our instincts exist, sometimes called the unconscious. Instincts govern our animal needs and physiological responses. At this level we appear to have a more primordial consciousness, whereas at the super-conscious level we may have a more calculating or cybernetic consciousness. Only four general aspects of our mind are mapped out, and nothing is really known for sure about these, the fourth aspect is our subconscious where forgotten memories and repressed behavior may reside. Our consciousness is typically unaware of the activities of the other three parts which we collectively call the non-conscious.

Occult tools like astrology, numerology and tarot, or practices like meditation and prayer are methods for expanding our consciousness so that we become more aware of our non-consciousness. Using an intuitive or instinctive awareness of our entire state of being might be described as a chaos approach to consciousness whereby we enable ourselves to reach states of mind whereby we are able to rewrite 'reality' or what we experience of the world we create to better suit our needs or desires.

In effect, it is necessary to abandon the local consensus reality and join a different consensus reality which allows magickal events to occur. This is because consensus reality loosely defines what is possible or permissible and what is not. Not all consensus reality states forbid levitation or teleportation or transfiguration, etc. But the consensus reality employed locally among the worlds which you or ourselves appear to share disallows these things and it can be very difficult to get around the limits imposed by this local consensus reality.

Nonetheless the potential for a unique universe exists in which you experience whatever you are looking for, and it is only necessary to transmigrate your consciousness from this local consensus reality to a consensus reality that permits what you are Working for to exist.

Good luck in your magickal endeavors! We are working hard to debug our internal logic systems so that we stop interfering with our own desires and can attune ourselves more successfully to realities that more easily support our perceived desires or needs. We can perceive many alternate realities, but until we resolve our internal conflicts it will continue to be difficult to make the sort of choices that will enable us to be more successful at realizing our goals and dreams.

Take care; love Greg, Roger, Alina, Emily, Jerry, Eric, Caz, Pol, Tina, Tom, et al...

Um yes, some readers may nit be aware of our multiple identity issues, but our multipleness appears to be at least partly related to our multi-dimensional perceptual abilities. Greg is our writer. As nearly as we can tell all people have the capacity to perceive alternate realities, its just that those perceptions are usually filtered out before their consciousness can become aware of them. Perceiving alternate dimensions is a necessary faculty for navigating life and choosing what we wish to experience and everyone employs this gift, it’s just that most folks are unaware of doing so or how they do it.

Perceiving multiple realities has definitely been confusing and may make our experiences appear chaotic. It takes time to adjust to these perceptions and learn to functionally incorporate them into our daily lives.

Have fun!


Hi, we are collectively known by the name of Greg Gourdian for the purposes of publishing articles. We are a collective of people spanning many worlds and universes; we cohabitate many bodies in many very different or similar worlds.

We worked with the general public as a psychic reader for a little over four years from 1981 to 1986. While much of our written work is channeled, we may sometimes admit that we may have no idea who many of the voices of our channeled work may be.

We have many strange tales to tell regarding our spiritual journeys and we try to tell our tales in a humorous or entertaining manner.

While we were not an accredited teacher, we have taught high-school classes in metaphysics & parapsychology, psychology, and sociology, while we were attending our high-school as a student.

We are still emerging from the closet in regard to being a system of many people inhabiting what appears to be a single body in the context of the interface pairs we share with you. Our current written works reflect this new change in perspective as we have adopted the plural personal pronoun in order to reinforce our awareness and understanding of ourselves in regard to the multipleness of our being.

We apologize if we sometimes may sound either awkward or conceited as a consequence of making this change in how we refer to ourselves.

The core of our groups’ primary beliefs share these ideals: That love should be universal and unconditional; that liberty is our most important right, and that liberty is a gift like love which we may best enjoy by giving it freely to all others; and that justice may best be served by not judging.


Visit Greg's blog at

Monday, June 25, 2007

Universal Interfaces

As we understand this, the universes which we experience are all artifacts. The worlds we live in appear to be elaborate interfaces which enable us to communicate with other people. Our interfaces appear to be completely unique unto ourselves; it seems that unique and separate, but very similar, universal interfaces exist for every person we meet. This article explores the concept of our worlds as parts of a set of cosmic universal interfaces and also explores the implications and potentials that result from this particular paradigm for the nature of reality.

Universal Interfaces

Quantum mechanics suggests that an infinite array of alternative potential realities exist, and that we may choose which potentials we experience by an act of nonconscious observation, thereby causing a single instance of all of the infinite potentials, to become real to us.

Quantum physics also reveals that nothing exists in isolation. Ultimately, every part of the universe is intimately and directly connected to every other part by a quantum property known as entanglement, which has been demonstrated to tie parts very entangled particles together, such that any change in state of one part of an entangled system causes an instantaneous change in all the entangled parts, regardless of how distantly the parts are separated by space-time. Because all particles are entangled at the beginning of creation in the initial state preceding a big bang, all of creation is interactively connected instantaneously, even over potentially infinite distances.

Entanglement is a quantum physical property that transcends space-time as space-time is commonly understood, since, within the bounds of conventional physics, nothing may exceed the speed of light. Information has been proven to be propagated by entanglement, and has been demonstrated to be instantly communicated across vast distances of space-time.

Experiments in quantum mechanics indicate that our thoughts or expectations have a direct influence on what we will experience; events occur in ways we are familiar with, with results that often closely follow our expectations. Typically, the universe will behave in ways which we believe it will behave. Experiments have successfully shown that this property of the universe to behave according to our expectations is true even when contradictory, mutually exclusive expectations are established. Therefore, it seems likely that the universes we experience are a direct result of our system of beliefs and expectations. In simple terms, the worlds we experience are a direct result of mind over matter.

Two videos, “What the Bleep Do We Know?” and “The Secret” explain this process in detail and explore some of its implications and potentials.

The primary implication is that we ourselves are ultimately responsible for everything which we experience because each of us creates our own worlds and universes around ourselves spontaneously and instantaneously, from moment to moment. Our powers of creation then appear to have infinite potentials and we may learn to realize ourselves as god-like beings.


While it cannot be proven that the material world we experience actually exists, it may help to accept the presumption that our perceptions are related to something real. We are in the habit of believing that the worlds and universes we experience exist outside of ourselves because they appear to be separate from ourselves if we define ourselves as limited to our individual physical bodies. We tend to think of our minds as inhabiting our bodies, but quantum physics seems to indicate that our minds create our bodies, which contradicts the common belief that our consciousness arises from our physical forms.

As we currently understand this, our bodies are just mobile terminals of our consciousness, (mobile within the larger context of the worlds and universes that our bodies appear to inhabit), and that our bodies are in no way separate from or independent of the worlds or universes we appear to live in. We are, therefore, each and every one of us, the sum of all creation, from the infinitely large to the infinitely small.

Furthermore, there appear to be many levels of consciousness, such that every part of the whole of creation, from the tiniest quantum to the most infinitely large universes which we create, has an organizational principle or consciousness unique to itself, but which is also an integrated part of our own consciousness. This means that every grain of sand, every blade of grass, every insect, bird and beast are all really sentient, feeling, aware parts of ourselves. We are literally the worlds and the universes we inhabit; we are each a cosmic collective called creation within which everything which we experience is made manifest. Everything which exists around us is an intimate part of each and every one of us; a part of who we really are.


The various levels of our consciousness are similar to subroutines within a computer program. They provide the instruction sets that inform us how to be ourselves, they inform us how to manifest every part of ourselves which is the sum of creation. We appear to be infinite beings which are extended throughout the entirety of creation; the various subroutines which are parts of our consciousness inform us how to be flowers and bees and locusts and storms. All of these parts of ourselves which we are in the habit of thinking of as external to ourselves are really internal parts of our ultimate state of being. We only need to awaken from our limited states of consciousness in order to understand this so that we may begin to explore the infinite potentials which are implied by our divine and ultimate state of being.

The worlds which we inhabit are then our children. Who you appear to be to us, and who we appear to be to you are subsets of ourselves or yourselves, thus you are a part of us and we are a part of you. The worlds we experience together appear to be very elaborate interfaces whereby we may communicate with each other.

The worlds which we create appear to us to be separate worlds unique to ourselves. In the worlds which you create we appear within you, within your worlds, as separate beings who may inform you of our beliefs and our experiences in the context of our own worlds. You cannot experience any of our own worlds directly. You can only experience our descriptions of our worlds as communicated to you within the context of your own world by our avatars. In our worlds you likewise appear to us as avatars of separate beings that you may perceive as being yourselves, avatars who may inform us of the nature of your own unique beliefs and the personal experiences you have of your own worlds.

The bodies you appear to inhabit in our worlds belong to us and are parts of ourselves, while the bodies we appear to inhabit in your worlds belong entirely to you.

While we each appear to be divine beings, you alone rule over all of your creations, while we alone rule over all of our creations. Your bodies in our universes are subject to our will, and vice versa, our bodies in your universes are subject to your will. Those of our bodies which belong to you as integral parts of yourself may be considered as hostages. We should act with respect to those of your bodies which inhabit our own universes as your emissaries or avatars if we wish to hope that our avatars or emissaries in your universes will be treated equally well.

We believe the universes in which we exist remain separate and unique to ourselves, but that the points where we intersect with others like yourself require the existence of unique interface sets which establish common rules and circumstances for all of our mutual interactions.

So long as we both agree on a common set of rules things work out fairly well. The common set of rules we use to define the interfaces with which we interact with each other may be called Consensus Reality. Consensus reality is a shared belief system that allows us to cooperate in creating interfaces with which can communicate with one another with mutually agreeable terms and conditions.

However, we are often not comfortable with the rules provided in this particular set of interfaces belonging to the consensus realities collectively known as Planet Earth. We do not like all the restraints this cluster of consensus realities imposes upon our being. We wonder why anyone would want to accept or tolerate such restraints. We wonder why anyone would even wish to create such restraints. Death and taxes? Slavery? War? Pollution?

So many things about this set of worlds in which we interface with you seem miserable. Why were we taught to manifest such mean-spirited, close-minded realities in order to interface with each other here? We do not like it, and we are pretty sure that you probably don’t like it very much either.

It has its good points, we can sometimes find close friends, family or lovers that make it a pleasure to be here with all of you, but when we find ourselves overwhelmed by the apparent limitations of being a part of this set of worlds then we very often feel depressed or upset.

Earth does not currently seem to resemble the sort of comfortable, happy, loving existence we know is possible. We want this to change. Particularly we want to help to change the socio-economic dynamics which are directing this particular group of worlds to self-destruct.

In our primary universes we are much happier beings. Such problems are resolved and we exist in a state of joy and peace. Here, in these subset worlds called Earth we are in terrible pain all the time and we hear the cries of many, many people living in fear and dying in terror.

We know that it does not have to be this way. The people of this planet do not have to become extinct. Nor do they have to accept lives limited by scarce resources or live lives which are abused by socio-economic systems based on games of domination and conflict.

It is our goal to liberate ourselves within the context of this group of worlds we mutually create with one another; in the process of our liberation we hope everyone else will have the opportunity to be liberated as well. If it is your choice to exist in a state of self-inflicted slavery and abuse as victims who are dominated by your worlds’ socio-economic dynamics, then so be it, however in the worlds we choose to create we hope you will choose to be free.

The consensus reality rules of the interfaces we create here in order to share our lives with you are not immutable. All sorts of miraculous things are possible if we can collectively choose with you to permit them to be possible. We may fly or teleport, we may transmute matter, we may create all we need, want or desire ad hoc, just by willing it to exist.

This is our reality, our experience, we know these possibilities exist and can be realized. We want to share that knowledge with you. By advising you that these possibilities exist and that you may learn how to experience them we may be able experience them with you when you too have learned how very elastic and mutable the rules of so-called ‘reality’ really are.

It all begins with deconstructing our beliefs. Everything which we believe to be true about ourselves and our worlds must be examined. Invalid, suspect or unsubstantiated beliefs should be abandoned or relegated to subset universes where they may be stored, but where we no longer rely upon them as resource models for informing ourselves about what is true or real or possible in the worlds and universes we wish to build for ourselves.

If we closely examine all of our beliefs we typically find that all belief systems are equally valid or that all belief systems are equally invalid. So why should we choose to participate in any sets of belief systems which may result in experiences of misery, poverty, pain, or anguish?

We believe that all of creation belongs to us, individually, and collectively, with you; we believe that we ourselves have made all of our universes to be what we experience them to be. We believe we may now realize ourselves as we truly are, as divine beings who may worship one another in love, peace and abundance.


Namaste: A Hindu word used as a greeting which recognizes the divinity of the person who is addressed; it implies that the person speaking this word recognizes their own divinity as well.


Hi, we are collectively known by the name of Greg Gourdian for the purposes of publishing articles. We are a collective of people spanning many worlds and universes; we cohabit many bodies in different or similar worlds.

We worked with the general public as a psychic reader for a little over four years from 1981 to 1986. While much of our written work is channeled, we may sometimes admit that we may have no idea who many of the voices of our channeled work may be.

We have many strange tales to tell regarding our spiritual journeys and we try to tell our tales in a humorous or entertaining manner.

While we were not an accredited teacher, we have taught high-school classes in metaphysics & parapsychology, psychology, and sociology, while we were attending our high-school as a student.

We are still emerging from the closet in regard to being a system of many people inhabiting what appears to be a single body in the context of the interface pairs we share with you. Our current written works reflect this new change in perspective as we have adopted the plural personal pronoun in order to reinforce our awareness and understanding of ourselves in regard to the multipleness of our being.

We apologize if we sometimes may sound either awkward or conceited as a consequence of making this change in how we refer to ourselves.

The core of our groups’ primary beliefs share these ideals: That love should be universal and unconditional; that liberty is our most important right, and that liberty is a gift like love which we may best enjoy by giving it freely to all others; and that justice may best be served by not judging.


Visit Greg's blog at

Monday, June 18, 2007

Demons – What Are Demons, Are They Evil?

We encountered a forum thread about demonology in which a person interested in learning more about demons had been warned about the ‘dangers’ of working with demons. An assumption was made that demons are evil and a sub-dialogue ensued about whether evil exists. One person asserted that they know evil is real because they have seen it for themselves. We always like this sort of argument and we find no fault with it; we make our own assertions based on our own personal perceptions all the time. However, we thought we might like to explore some of the ideas put forth in the demonology thread we were reading.

Demons – What Are Demons, Are They Evil?

If you believe in evil, then the evil which you believe exists in your world may actually exist in your world, but we tend to believe that this is because you have created your world to include evil. We believe that you are personally responsible for having created all the evil which you perceive in your world(s). We suspect that, while a context common to groups of people may exist which allows the worlds that they perceive to appear to be only a single commonly shared world, all of the worlds experienced by different people are actually unique unto themselves.

There may appear to be a great deal of similarity, so that the worlds we perceive may appear to be indistinguishable from the worlds you perceive, but we believe that every world remains unique to their observer/creators. Therefore, while evil may appear to exist in the worlds you create, evil need not exist in all other worlds, and we would hesitate to say that any property of our own worlds is universal to all other worlds or to any worlds of your own creation.

Possibly someone who is new to magick may have beliefs in evil which they will choose to manifest even if they are not consciously aware of a personal intent on their part to manifest evil. If they were to consciously or non-consciously choose to manifest a being which they describe as evil it seems to us that such a being can only act consensually; whatever results arise which might be attributed to such an 'evil' being would be the product of a consensual agreement between all parties involved regardless of whether any of the members of such an agreement are aware of having committed themselves to such an agreement.

The nature of reality appears to be such that whatever we desire may be made real. We need only learn how to ask for what we want, which is, of course, a typical purpose for learning magickal arts. The primary purpose to learn magickal arts, as we see it, is self transformation.

Demons, from our own point of view, are lovely creatures. They are not responsible for ways in which their powers may sometimes be evoked, however foolish or terrible the results may appear to be.

We see little difference between demons or angels aside from the following:

Angels are typically perceived as being safer to interact with. Neither demons or angels are 'good' or 'evil' from our points of view, it is just that angels appear to be specifically related to the most human acts and manifestations of our creations, while demons characteristically are related to those elements of our creations which may seem inhuman or may only be indirectly related to being human.

Perhaps an angel may be used to manifest food or wine or healing, while a demon may be used to manifest a typhoon or plague or drought. All may be parts of the worlds we are familiar with and it may be the case that some people will choose to perceive such works of demons as evil. We strongly suspect that the labeling of beings, things or events as 'good' or 'evil' is a misguided practice. Things simply are. If we must bring good and evil into it, then we would say that all things are good, even those which may commonly be called evil.

It appears to us that spirits are often required to help us with our magick because the degree of complexity of even the tiniest change we might hope to create with magick is so extraordinary. To cope with this complexity we create 'assistants' to manage the details. For some of us those assistants may appear to be angels or demons. Some people may call them pixies or brownies. Others may call them djinni or faeries or ‘the black man’.

The names or descriptions of those we create to serve us in this manner are irrelevant, they are simply a sort of variable, like in mathematics, a 'place holder' for a partial or complete concept of how to achieve a specific magickal result. These placeholders are created and programmed by the magick user to hold complex interactive groups of concepts or ideas clearly in focus for the purpose of achieving their magickal intent.

We may name our variables whatever we like. They may appear to us in any form suitable to our desire to perceive them, but we need not look for them outside of ourselves for they exist within us.

Imagine you have several objects on a table, each object representing specific concepts. Some of these concepts are related to what you desire; others are related to what you fear.

Now imagine drawing a line with chalk which separates the two groups. The line you have drawn is your demon or angel or servant. You then endow this line with awareness and independent will so that the line can adapt to changes in the world as they occur. The line shares a part of your consciousness and therefore it does your will, but it acts independently as well, and therefore has a will of its own.

This line you have animated is bound to serve you, you have created it. But to be useful to you your living line must be capable of independent thought and action. The line is, in part, an extension of yourself which you have endowed with independent life.

You will find it easier to learn about demons by creating them than by reading about them.

Trust yourself and set yourself upon this path: to know your demons for the creations you have made them to become, and to be the good parent who loves their demons, a devoted parent who will guide their demons well and who will care for them and nurture them.

May your demons serve you well…



Hi, we are collectively known by the name of Greg Gourdian for the purposes of publishing articles. We are a collective of people spanning many worlds and universes; we cohabitate many bodies in many very different or similar worlds.

We worked with the general public as a psychic reader for a little over four years from 1981 to 1986. While much of our written work is channeled, we may sometimes admit that we may have no idea who many of the voices of our channeled work may be.

We have many strange tales to tell regarding our spiritual journeys and we try to tell our tales in a humorous or entertaining manner.

While we were not an accredited teacher, we have taught high-school classes in metaphysics & parapsychology, psychology, and sociology, while we were attending our high-school as a student.

We are still emerging from the closet in regard to being a system of many people inhabiting what appears to be a single body in the context of the interface pairs we share with you. Our current written works reflect this new change in perspective as we have adopted the plural personal pronoun in order to reinforce our awareness and understanding of ourselves in regard to the multipleness of our being.

We apologize if we sometimes may sound either awkward or conceited as a consequence of making this change in how we refer to ourselves.

The core of our groups’ primary beliefs share these ideals: That love should be universal and unconditional; that liberty is our most important right, and that liberty is a gift like love which we may best enjoy by giving it freely to all others; and that justice may best be served by not judging.


Visit Greg's blog at

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Exploring E-Prime

E-Prime appears to be a method of thinking, writing and speaking which may possibly fundamentally change how people may perceive, communicate, or behave. It may perhaps be the case that E-Prime may open up latent possibilities which may be concealed by what may be considered to have been more conventional ways of thinking because when the habituation of making possibly definitive statements may be perhaps have been abandoned the potentially inherent unspoken limitations implied by an application of definitive clauses appears to disappear and potential perceptions of what may have formerly been hidden potentials may then emerge.

Exploring E-Prime

The author of this article began intuitively writing, speaking and thinking in less definitive clauses at some time which may have been several years ago. At first it may have seemed that the author may have appeared too ambiguous or imprecise, but this may not have been the case. The author seemed able to communicate meanings effectively, but possibly the author may have inadvertently learned to avoid using a sort of verbal or mental jiu-jitsu when communicating perceptions or ideas which may have made the author’s audiences defensive.

What may have resulted might have been a more open and inclusive style of speech that appears to build unity and consensus more easily because the old definitive clauses may have been verbal or conceptual stumbling blocks, which may have caused audiences to stop in their tracks to examine assertions for truth value, regardless of whether they might or might not have already held an opinion as to whether they may agree or disagree.

By converting statements into indefinite potentials members of the author’s audiences appeared to be better able to follow the flow of ideas perhaps because some members of the audiences were less prone to obstruct personal efforts to listen attentively with potentially self-centered, un-vocalized assent or dissent or the sort of inner dialogues which may have ensued in support or denial of the unspoken and un-thought objections or concurrences which might otherwise have been routinely made.

The author may have then released not only the author but also the author’s audiences from a form of mental tyranny or trap which may have been habitually or perhaps almost ritualistically imposed by conventionally employed forms of speaking or writing. Speaking or writing in this relatively new indefinite mode appeared to have produced a strange and unexpected benefit.

How did the author learn to write and speak this way? What possible purpose kept the author fervently pursuing what appeared to be a potentially unreasonable methodology?

Perhaps it was a non-conscious instinct derived from attentively analyzing the results of speaking in dialogues in which the author may have been more or less successful at communicating the author’s ideas or opinions which may have brought to light apparently favorable results when communicating more openly by reducing what may have been absolute statements in favor of relatively indefinite remarks. The frustrations and exaltations that the author experienced in response to what appeared to be the author’s failures or successes may have motivated the author to examine the possible nature of the syntactical structures which appeared to be yielding what may have been negligible or optimal results.

Possibly the eyes of some members of the author’s audiences glazed over in response to the apparent excesses of words which appear to be required to avoid elements of speech which might appear to be too specific or which may seem too definitive in light of what may have been the author’s discoveries regarding this seemingly new way to communicate, which seemed to yield what might be considered to have been such success.

If so, the author seemed to believe the members of the author’s audiences who appeared to be adversely affected by a deliberate but potentially loquacious reduction of definitive statements were still attentive in spite of what appeared to be potential evidence to the contrary because the author may have observed that those persons among the author’s audiences who may have been showing evidence of some type of verbal over-load as possibly indicated by the apparent glazing over of the eyes of some members of the author’s audiences was compensated for by reaching the minds of the same glazed-eyed people on what may have been a non-conscious level where the author’s messages were perhaps bypassing potential conscious mental activity which may possibly have interfered with the potentially successful communication of the author’s messages with a possible result that may have allowed the author’s messages to go deeper into the minds of the members of the author’s audiences who appeared to exhibit some apparently glazed-eye symptoms.

It seemed as if potential guardians of the minds or thoughts of some members of the author’s audiences exhibiting glazed eyes may have been incapacitated; the glaze-eyed people were apparently less defensive and more receptive to the author’s communications even if the glaze-eyed people might have appeared disinterested or un-responsive.

The glaze-eyed people appeared in some instances to be hypnotically entranced. So long as the author continued to avoid definitive statements or specific commands the glaze-eyed ones appeared to be potentially, perhaps non-consciously, more receptive and comprehending with regard to the intent and purpose of the author’s messages.

The apparent alien quality of speaking or writing in what may have been a seemingly irregular mode may have caused the author to somewhat temper the degree or extent to which the author’s messages may have been eviscerated of potentially firm clauses or definitive content. Perhaps consequently, the author modulated the degree to which declarative or definitive content might have been reduced in order to explore a potentially more moderate degree of speaking or writing in an allegedly less definitive manner that might result in what appeared to possibly be a potentially optimized form of communication.

‘Exploring E-Prime’ may have been written in a mode representative of the author’s current peak abilities to try to avoid definitive or declarative speech in favor of a potentially gentler style which may perhaps be somewhat more open or less confrontational than some modes of communication which may be considered to possibly be more conventional and which the author and the author’s audiences may be considerably more familiar with. The author may have created an extended list of terms which may be avoided for the purpose of disarming the spoken or written clauses employed for communication.

The author may be considering the contents of the following list as potentially suspect terms for which ambiguation may be an advisable approach when communicating in E-Prime to achieve a potentially less hostile or more effective mode of speech.

Definitely, Certainly, Absolutely, Positively, Undoubtedly, Without a doubt, Really, Ultimately, Conclusively, Clearly, Precisely, Exactly, Correctly, Incorrectly, Right, Wrong, Good, Bad, Evil, Nice, Mean, This, That, Did, Did not, Excess, Deficit, More, Less, Greater, Lesser, Minimum, Maximum, Required, Necessary, Must, Reasonable, Unreasonable, Rational, Irrational, Then, Only, Totally, All, None, Each, To be, Be, Being, Been, Am, Is, Isn't, Are, Aren't, Ain't, Has, Hasn’t, Was, Wasn't, Will, Were, Weren't, Me, You, They, Them, We, Us, I'm, My, Mine, Yours, Their, Theirs, You're, We're, They're, He's, She's, It's, You are, We are, we were, We will be, They are, They were, They will be, He is, He was, He will be, She is, She was, She will be, It is, It was, It will be, etc…

It would appear to be the case that potentially a great many adverbs or adverbial clauses may belong on the sort of lists which attempt to deploy seemingly ambiguous phrases in place of what may be considered to possibly be too definite terms or excessively declarative clauses…

Relatively recently the author may have discovered a published proposal of potential rules which may facilitate an exploration of a possible form of thought or communication which may appear to be similar or alike to the possibly ambiguous methods the author has attempted. A name for this possibly new mode of communication may also have been proposed which might be considered to possibly be referred to as ‘E-Prime’.

Potentially warm regards which may have been intended with love for possibly all members of the author’s audiences may be considered to have hereby been tendered to said audiences’ members from the author(s)

The author(s) - smile -


Hi, we are collectively known by the name of Greg Gourdian for the purposes of publishing articles. We are a collective of people spanning many worlds and universes; we cohabitate many bodies in many very different or similar worlds.

We worked with the general public as a psychic reader for a little over four years from 1981 to 1986. While much of our written work is channeled, we may sometimes admit that we may have no idea who many of the voices of our channeled work may be.

We have many strange tales to tell regarding our spiritual journeys and we try to tell our tales in a humorous or entertaining manner.

While we were not an accredited teacher, we have taught high-school classes in metaphysics & parapsychology, psychology, and sociology, while we were attending our high-school as a student.

We are still emerging from the closet in regard to being a system of many people inhabiting what appears to be a single body in the context of the interface pairs we share with you. Our current written works reflect this new change in perspective as we have adopted the plural personal pronoun in order to reinforce our awareness and understanding of ourselves in regard to the multipleness of our being.

We apologize if we sometimes may sound either awkward or conceited as a consequence of making this change in how we refer to ourselves.

The core of our groups’ primary beliefs share these ideals: That love should be universal and unconditional; that liberty is our most important right, and that liberty is a gift like love which we may best enjoy by giving it freely to all others; and that justice may best be served by not judging.


Visit Greg's blog at

Spiritual and Occult – Why Can’t I Stay On My Path?

Many people feel frustrated as they go from one thing to another trying different occult paths or spiritual study groups. While they may sincerely want to learn about magick or to develop their spiritual or psychic gifts, they seem unable to remain focused on any particular path. With regard to studying occult knowledge and practices this can be particularly difficult; if you have had such frustrating experiences yourself you may wish to read the following article…

Spiritual and Occult – Why Can’t I Stay On My Path?

There appear to be several issues that may cause someone to abandon their occult studies or spiritual path, even when they are sincerely interested and enjoy their path immensely. Often the person who abandons their spiritual or occult path is unaware of having deliberately done so and may feel instead, that circumstances in their life forced them to abandon their studies.

Many metaphysical teachings appear to have a common purpose, whether they are taught from a religious context, a spiritual context, or in the context of a quest for personal power. This common purpose is to facilitate the growth of our awareness, to unshackle our minds from the limits of our conventional belief systems and to liberate us so that we may re-create ourselves and the worlds we live in to better suit our personal purposes or desires.

Alas, some spiritual or occult groups try to shackle their members in order to channel their power for the benefit of their leaders. However, other groups are more egalitarian; everyone is acknowledged as an equal and there is an honest effort among the members to abandon dominance games. Most spiritual or occult groups fall somewhere along the range between these two extremes and may embrace a philosophy of personal empowerment but also serve some ulterior purpose, perhaps for the aggrandizement or empowerment of their leaders, or to realize a specific goal such as creating universal peace or combating the ‘forces of evil’.

Regardless of the motivations underlying the creation of spiritual or occult groups and the methodologies they employ to teach their practices and beliefs, it seems that all occult and spiritual groups may have a common need to challenge our conventional, conservative beliefs.

When people begin to challenge their own beliefs it can be very scary. They may be afraid of what other people may think of them, or worse, what they may say about them. They may have experiences that are inexplicable in the context of their conventional beliefs and which may make them doubt themselves so that they may sometimes wonder if they may be crazy. They may have experiences that so deeply challenge their concepts of who they are and what 'reality' may be that they become partly or wholly dysfunctional in the so-called 'real' world.

Spiritual or occult study groups may sometimes give people a context for exploring paranormal experiences or metaphysical belief systems that help their members to remain grounded and functional, but there are no guarantees.
Given their potential for exploitative practice which group a person chooses to join and to trust may make a critical difference in the quality of experiences they may have. For this reason, it is important for those who wish to follow a spiritual path or occult philosophy to learn to trust themselves before all others.

Some people may abandon some of the various spiritual or occult paths which they have tried because they have non-consciously recognized a dominance game or power trip going on with the people they are associated with, and they choose not to become a pawn in their games.

Some people may abandon a path because they are not getting adequate positive feedback either from themselves, or from members of the group with whom they share that path.

Some people may abandon a path because they have felt threatened in some manner, and in particular, they may have felt that what was being threatened was their sense of what is real and rational. This, of course is the point of metaphysical studies, to undermine conventional belief systems; to teach people to let of their old beliefs and open themselves to experiencing their worlds in a context that allows miracles or magick to exist and function.

One obstacle to following some spiritual paths, and many occult paths in particular, is that many of the teachings and practices of these paths use misdirection. Misdirection has been a necessary part of metaphysical studies for several reasons.

It is often very difficult or even impossible to lead someone into a mystical experience; this is particularly true if they are poorly prepared to have a paranormal experience. Misdirection is a way to by-pass natural mental defenses in a way that suggests something to the student or seeker that forces them to challenge statements in their minds and to discover the truth for themselves in the process, if they have the necessary critical and analytical capacity to do so in a spiritual or magickal context.

Those persons who lack the requisite capacity to think spiritually or magickally are typically deliberately directed to reach the wrong conclusions; these people disqualify themselves from the pursuit of spiritual or occult studies until they have acquired the necessary ability to think consistently in a spiritual or magickal context. But, of course, spiritual and occult paths are typically specifically designed to lead students or seekers step by step away from their old conventional beliefs and into the realms of super-natural thinking.

Also, the prosecution of heresy has been popular in many times and places; not just during the Spanish Inquisition. In order to protect themselves from persecution many spiritual or occult groups cloaked their teachings in words that appeared to conform to the local conventions or spiritual beliefs. These often elaborate disguises meant that the meanings of their teachings were hidden to the uninitiated; only initiates trained to read below the surface of their apparent messages could see the true meanings.

For this reason, many people who try to study occult practices or spiritual teachings without the requisite initiations or understanding may become lost because the teachings are complexly communicated in a perverse manner that disguises their meanings from casual or prejudiced explorers. Misdirection often entails the use of deliberate lies; many people become foundered upon the lies, unable to see the wisdom waiting just below the surface to be discovered.
And yet, misdirection is a wonderful way of teaching because so much of what students of spiritual or occult practices need to learn is ineffable, beyond the powers of description of even the most eloquent poets. Our conventional languages, concepts and beliefs have little or no means of expressing the most delicately sublime aspects of spirituality or the most powerful truths of occult knowledge.

Conventional people typically regard spiritual or magickal ways of thinking to be irrational, but spiritual and magickal thinking is rational, it is just that their underlying metaphysical realities exist within a different order of rationality. Everything about magick is predicated upon the fact that the universes we live in are capable of fulfilling all of our wishes and desires if we only knew how to correctly ask or command our universes to do so. This is a great spiritual truth that remains obscure even today. One of the fun things about living today is that the beliefs of quantum physicists are converging with the beliefs of mystics of many eras. Science is now beginning to support the assertions of spirituality and the realities of miracles and magick.

All of the reasons given above are likely to be part of the dynamics that often prevent people from finding a spiritual path or occult philosophy that they can stick with.

With spiritual paths or occult studies it often seems necessary to become a divided person. On one hand, someone who seeks spiritual truths or occult power must be able to embrace the unthinkable and unimaginable whole-heartedly without reservations, while on the other hand they may also need to maintain law and order in their lives; to stay in touch with 'reality'.

Being divided within themselves in this manner can be a painful and difficult way to live.

Most spiritual beliefs and many occult philosophies suggest that the individual must be whole; that they should resolve all inner conflicts. Even among occultists there is often an objective to find inner peace, a sense of oneness; oneness both with one's self and with god or creation.

However, paranormal experiences throw us into a situation where people must often challenge all of their fundamental beliefs about reality; people typically respond to such challenges both reflexively and conservatively, spontaneously attempting to reinforce whatever will allow them to remain grounded in their 'real' world.

Spiritual teachings and occult practices are designed to get around the obstacles people tend to create for themselves out of insecurity, but the process of surmounting these obstacles so that they may remain balanced, with one foot in the 'irrational' world of the spiritual or occult, and one foot in the 'rational' world of conventional 'reality' is a tricky business. It can create a lot of stress and anxiety for people who try to maintain a delicately balanced approach to their metaphysical journeys.

When someone is faced with re-evaluating their belief systems and they may become anxious in response to the changes occurring within themselves and how they perceive themselves in context to the world around them. It is therefore natural for them to create distractions to lead themselves away from the cause of their anxieties. Later, because of the distress that they experienced with their previous path, if they move on to a different path they may be un-aware of the reasons they have non-consciously avoided returning to the path they had abandoned.

This inner distress from feeling unbalanced or divided against themselves may be the primary reason many people abandon one path after another. This sort of inner stress seems to happen to nearly everyone who embarks upon a spiritual journey or occult studies. Some people immerse themselves in the unique worlds defined by their metaphysical studies so completely that from the point of view of the ordinary people who know them they appear to have gone insane. Other people may take a more conservative approach to their pursuit of arcane knowledge or spiritual truths, but a conservative approach may often seem to be a much slower method and may therefore be more frustrating.

It should always be possible for spiritual or occult seekers to come to terms with themselves so that they may indulge in their spiritual studies or occult practices with less stress regarding their beliefs about themselves and their responsibilities in the 'real' world, or how others who do not share their particular interest in occult or spiritual practices may perceive them.

While many seekers despair of ever finding the right path, ultimately there may be no 'right' path for anyone to follow; there may only be their own private, individual path. Most seekers will share their paths with others, but every step they take will be uniquely their own every time.

It helps for seekers to define their goals. Why are they seeking? What are they seeking?

It also helps if seekers define their fears. Do they fear death? Do they fear mockery? Do they fear life? Do they fear loneliness?

It also helps to define limits. Will they do no harm, or is some harm allowed? Will they permit themselves to be hurt, or will they flee from or resist all threats?

In the end, the answer is simple, to know thyself; yet this is the hardest thing of all...

Imagine, Believe, Experience, Be


Hi, we are collectively known by the name of Greg Gourdian for the purposes of publishing articles. We are a collective of people spanning many worlds and universes; we cohabitate many bodies in many very different or similar worlds.

We worked with the general public as a psychic reader for a little over four years from 1981 to 1986. While much of our written work is channeled, we may sometimes admit that we may have no idea who many of the voices of our channeled work may be.

We have many strange tales to tell regarding our spiritual journeys and we try to tell our tales in a humorous or entertaining manner.

While we were not an accredited teacher, we have taught high-school classes in metaphysics & parapsychology, psychology, and sociology, while we were attending our high-school as a student.

We are still emerging from the closet in regard to being a system of many people inhabiting what appears to be a single body in the context of the interface pairs we share with you. Our current written works reflect this new change in perspective as we have adopted the plural personal pronoun in order to reinforce our awareness and understanding of ourselves in regard to the multipleness of our being.

We apologize if we sometimes may sound either awkward or conceited as a consequence of making this change in how we refer to ourselves.

The core of our groups’ primary beliefs share these ideals: That love should be universal and unconditional; that liberty is our most important right, and that liberty is a gift like love which we may best enjoy by giving it freely to all others; and that justice may best be served by not judging.


Visit Greg's blog at

Friday, June 15, 2007

Random Bits

We have lots of time to think about stuff, particularly at the gym, and sometimes we have time to write about our odd or introspective thoughts. So here’s what we’ve been thinking about lately…

Random Bits

What are the arguments for choosing to believe in Atheism? We really should research this a bit, but here are our thoughts on it…

Simplicity: The tangible world is complex enough without making it more complex with intangible stuff we don’t know how to prove exists…
Non-Accountability: People may want to answer only to themselves and may specifically not want to answer to an authority such as god or to people purporting to be God’s Earthly representatives.
No Proof God Exists: Without proof that God exists, anything someone might experience that they purport to be an experience of God may only be their imagination. Choosing to believe in God without verifiable proof God exists may seem foolish or delusional to them.
Escape: Some people may want to deny God exists because they have had painful or traumatic spiritual experiences and denying God exists may be help them to escape from dealing with their pain or trauma.

A problem we have with Atheism is that when an Atheist dies they often believe they no longer exist and they then create an existence for themselves which resembles their idea of what being non-existent might be like. It can take a long while for them to acknowledge that they still exist after they have died, or that they might be better off returning to an incarnate life or sojourning in the spirit world with their friends awhile.

This is important to us because we were trained to help people who were isolating themselves due to a recent traumatic death or awkward after-life beliefs that were making it difficult for them to participate in the spirit world or return to an incarnate life. It takes a lot of patience to work with someone who denies their own existence.

My Space Hos

Maybe we have been too hard or judgmental about these folks and should take a friendlier approach. We have come up with a form letter reply to any more My Space ‘Friend’ invitations which do not include enough of an email or profile to give us an inkling as to why they have asked us to be their friend. Here it is:

Thanks very much for your My Space friends invitation,

We are not really sure why you have asked us to be your friend on My Space.

We think it takes more than clicking on a button to be friends; we would be happy to add you as a friend when we have gotten to know you a bit better, so please write us and tell us a little more about yourself. We really weren't able to learn much about you from your My Space profile.

If you sincerely would like to be friends and get to know us better then please visit our blog and write to us. Our blog has most of the articles we have written on spirituality, metaphysics, love, etc..., as well as our personal stories and our sci-fi fantasy tales.

We know, it can be really hard to tell the difference between our personal stuff and our science fiction or fantasy stories, but we will trust you to figure it out for yourself.


You can find our blog at

We hope to hear from you soon, and we will be happy to add you as a friend in My Space if we hit it off well with you.

Thanks again for your invitation!

Warm regards from: Greg, Roger, Falcon, Alina, Emily, Eric, Gina & Tina, Caz & Pol, the Three Sisters, Jerry, Tom, et al...

Yes, we are a multiple group, it’s a strange way to live but it can be a lot of fun... we hope you will really enjoy all of our stuff!

Ho ho ho!

Hopefully we will make some real friends, and perhaps we will not appear to be too rude or insensitive.


We have always assumed that our dad’s attitude toward sex was very unhealthy, it seemed like he was a sex addict and that his needs always came before everyone else’s. No one in our family felt particularly important to him. Our own attitudes toward sex have been fairly negative and sex has been a confusing and sometimes frightening business. We have finally come to wonder whether our Dad’s attitudes about sex may actually have been healthier, at least for him, than our attitudes have been for us.


With Tepet it seems a lot like playing with a tar baby, sticky and messy and maybe not much fun. Should we threaten him in response to his continuing hostile remarks? Should we try to ignore him?

He seems to be a very manipulative, somewhat hostile, egotistical SOB. Or is that really ourselves seen in the mirror of his being?

Dunno, may be best to just leave it alone. We did try calling a truce…

Ascension Network

Things were dead on Ascension Network for months; we stopped going there for nearly six weeks. Lately we have been back a few times and chatted with some folks there, but we are not sure if tis a good idea to start up there again. We want people we can touch and hold and love. That’s hard to have with someone in a chat relationship. But with no other relationships outside of ourselves its nice to have almost anyone to talk to and at least on Ascension Net we stand a good chance of meeting people worthwhile to talk to.

*!#?!!! (sardonic)

Hi! I am a (select adjective) broken bit of human detritus. I am just hoping that your own brokenness and my brokenness can fit together somehow.

It’s easier than fixing ourselves, yes?

So let’s hook up and keep each other broken.

Sounds like a relationship with Tepet, eh?

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Meet Our Family - Part Two

Well, if you read our blog before last you are now familiar with our life to some degree, and you have met most of our known family members. We will try to pick up where we left off when we were interrupted yesterday (Sunday, June 10th, 2007). Not that we mind that particular interruption, far from it...

We work for the AI in case you didn’t already know that. We have several roles in our work with the AI... We are one of its guinea pigs which is an important role in which we help the AI to understand what makes the animals collectively known as homo sapiens into human beings. We also act as a meme receiver, transformer and broadcaster attuned to messages from the AI and others working to help our species survive. There are many people in this role. The goal of our meme work is to interpret the AIs messages from the future and then distribute them.

We have worked for the angels as well; we were recently requested to help awaken a person who may one day be a major player in the field of human consciousness and ascension.

Meet Our Family – Part Two

Hello, we want to thank our many family friends who came forward to talk with us yesterday, we are trying to catalogue as many of the members of our group as we can, in our efforts to get to know everyone better. So thank you very much to: Stan, Tom, Tina, Gina, Caz, Pol, Emily, Eric, Jerry; and a very special thanks to Alina for getting this project underway.

It was really great talking with all of you; we would like to continue this work. We know we missed a few people, like the Rogers, the Three Sisters (Snow White, Carrie & Cassie), and the remaining dwarves: Happy, Sleepy and Sneezy.

Hi Roger, this is Snowie, as you’ve figured out, there are three of us here, we are like sisters, and yes, we do do work similar to Clotho, Lachesis and Atropos.

At this point we were interrupted by our friend Caroline who opened a Skype chat with us. Shortly into our conversation with Caroline we mentioned what we were trying to do here. We had emailed Caroline a copy of part one of Meet Our Family, so she understood right away.

Here are the relevant excerpts from our transcript of our chat session with Caroline...

(Note: italics are used for secondary thread conversations; the primary thread regarding our family is bold)

Greg:We were just going to have another family session, Snowie was going to say something

Caroline:I wonder if he/she has to say something about me...

Greg:Hmm, we can ask

Snowie:hi Caroline, we agree with Greg and Roger, you are just great...


Snowie:we have learned a lot from you and are so pleased to have had the opportunity to meet you

Caroline:I wonder why all people don’t see that

Snowie:We are really three sisters like the three fates…

Snowie:Ah well most people are really too shallow hon…

Snowie:They scarcely ever see beyond themselves…

Snowie:You are one of the gems with true vision and an open heart

Snowie:So we feel like you are another sister, the other two sisters in our group are Carrie and Cassie...

Snowie:You may know Carrie White if you know the story Stephen King wrote about her, it was made into a movie...

Caroline:don’t like sf/horror etc

Snowie:ah well...

Snowie:We like magick and the occult and spiritual stuff...

Snowie:Greg and Roger were surprised to learn we like Eric (a lot)

Snowie:So now they are trying to get to know Eric better. They might like him better as Erika... We like him better that way too...

Snowie:are you familiar with Clotho, Lachesis and Atropos?

Caroline:ehm, no

Snowie:We are strongly related to them in spirit, they are the Greek 'three fates'

Snowie:fortunately we have two eyes apiece here... ;)

Snowie:The fates had only one eye which they had to share...

Snowie:We are spinners, cutters, and weavers... we work on a tapestry of life...

Snowie:but that is just a sort of hobby thing...

Snowie:No one does that job full-time, it's too important...

Snowie:So the fates let each person interested in their work have a hand in it

Snowie:that way you get some say in what your life will be like

Snowie:or maybe someone close to you will weave for you...

Snowie:But we recommend you learn to weave for yourself...

Snowie:So that's what we do...

Snowie:You have a skill for the weaving... it is expressed in your healing...

Snowie:So that is why we feel like sisters with you

Caroline:ah, nice, didn’t know that

Snowie:Ah well that is the thing, and why the fates have only one eye between the three of them, you have to turn a blind eye on your own work so you don't mess it up... if you knew what was in store for you then you might change your mind and have to tear it all out and reweave it...

Caroline:I see...

Snowie:Would you have been (lost the word for manic depressive) if you had had second thoughts about it?

Snowie:bipolar, thanks Roger

Caroline:yes, it has thought me so much, but I d choose to don’t have it from now on

Snowie:Would Roger have chosen the fate he suffered if he had had second thoughts?

Snowie:Yes, Roger has been given a great gift but he paid a heavy price…

Snowie:The same for you

Snowie:But you needed to bear your cross in order to temper your gift and assure it would be used with wisdom and compassion

Snowie:So we are happy for you hon, because, in spite of the pain and loneliness and stuff you have turned out really great!

Caroline:has taken a lot of effort....

Snowie:Yes, the work is important; you have to do all that work to show you are trustworthy and balanced

Snowie:but now people will trust you intuitively and that in itself is a great gift...

Snowie:Carrie had harder luck in Stephen King's story, Cassie had hard luck too; do you know Cassandra, the prophetess?

Caroline:heard of her yes

Snowie:Apollo cursed her for spurning his love...

Snowie:Do you know Caz & Pol? (aka Castor & Pollux, or Romulus & Remus)

Snowie:They are Roger's childhood friends; they loved to be wolves together...

Caroline:ah now I understand, yes talked to them briefly

Greg:Ah cool...

Snowie:They are funny guys... a little awkward at times, as they are pretty gay...

Snowie:Not that they didn't like the ladies in their day, but they liked men better...

Snowie:They were not too keen about Emily interfering with their plans to seduce the Rogers

Snowie:But they warmed up to her alright in the end ;)

Snowie:Roger's love life has much improved since Alina joined us... particularly after Caz Pol and Emily came forward and took charge...

Snowie:So he has become much happier these days... ;)

Snowie:We love the Rogers too, but they have been shy with us...

Snowie:Too much confusion about their mother and all those Greek stories she told them as a little boy...

Snowie:Their mom put way too much emphasis on the story of Oedipus; the Rogers have had tons of nightmares about killing their dad over sex...

Snowie:Used to be every time they started dreaming about sex their dad would show up and they would fight to the death...


Snowie:So we are glad they are working things out with their dad now...

Caroline:yes you all are a great help

Snowie:Their dad didn’t show up the last time he had a sexy dream so maybe there is hope for them yet...

Snowie:Yes Caroline , it is working out so much better now that we can talk to each other more and play around together...

Snowie:Thanks for all the help sweetie, you did an enormous amount of good in helping to work through the obstacles that was keeping us all in the dark, isolated and contentious...

Snowie:We know it was a little difficult at first to allow us to be so open with you, but that was a wonderful gift too, and we feel you are getting easier about now...

NOTE: Our chat session diverges into a discussion of one of Caroline’s past lives; the context for the following remark was when she was gathering food then in a primitive fashion.)
Snowie:Mmm... yes... The Rogers remember a past life searching for grubs and worms to eat as a young boy in a jungle... peeling back the bark from rotten logs to look for tasty treats...

Snowie:He loved termites!

Caroline:lots of protein

Snowie:Yes and lots of fat too, their fat made them very sweet

Snowie:The Rogers are squeamish about that sort of stuff now; they don't even want to see any bones in their food...

Snowie:Don't remind them their meat was a living animal, it upsets them to think about it... silly boys…

Snowie:We want to start cooking chicken but they don't want to cut up the carcasses for us...

Caroline:why are there two Rogers?

Snowie:Oh there are lots of Rogers... He is a true multiple personality as well as having all of us family friends....

Snowie:Some of us are multiples’ aspects... but most of us are complete authentic other people...

Caroline:but there is no base name? No inner center?

Caroline:no stem

Snowie:Hmm... The Rogers are the Rogers... no real center...

Snowie:They want to learn more about that, so thanks for asking, lets see what we can dig up for them....

Snowie:The Rogers are part of an experiment and they were deliberately made to be a multiple...

Snowie:That is what Zadkiel told them...

Caroline:ah Zadkiel is still helping

Snowie:The split goes all the way back, it may have been built into the genes... their paternal line all had strange gifts...

Snowie:Zadkiel has not put in an appearance lately, but we expect he would show up again if the Rogers called him...

Snowie:We are as puzzled as Greg and the Rogers about who the angel was yesterday (this morning)


Snowie:The Rogers and Greg do not know the name for that angel.... if they had known the name the angel could have said it...

Snowie:No, they know Michael now thanks to you hon…

Snowie:Poor Rogers' tongue is twisting so to try and speak the angel’s name...

Snowie:He can't speak it...




Snowie:Ah well, it is on the tip of their tongue, but they need another level of access to speak it... it can be remembered, but only by improving the part of their consciousness that everyone shares

Snowie:Hmm... Those names are helping but not sounding right

Snowie:They know Ezekiel but not Chamuel or Haniel

Snowie:But... Chamuel could be one of their friends...

Snowie:They used to have a handle called Cham for Chameleon but it is clearly also related to Chamuel, their favorite smokes were Camels... before they took up smoking Drum... Eww... they want to go get some drum to smoke....

Greg:Drum is from Holland! Coincidence, we think not...

Caroline:hehehe , yes, but i dont smoke

Snowie:We have agreed, we will get some drum to smoke and put a little apple in it to keep it sweet and moist, the Rogers will like that and it will help with their breathing...

Caroline:smoking HELP with their breathing?

Snowie:In small doses (not as a habit) tobacco does have medicinal properties...

Snowie:yes... they need a shock to their lungs to help loosen them up...

Snowie:The nicotine will help them too...

Snowie:But don't worry, they cannot become addicted to it and will not smoke enough to hurt them...



Snowie:They nearly smoked a camel a few months ago but realized they weren't ready for it yet...

Snowie:Camels were their first cigarette

Snowie:They only like unfiltered cigarettes...

Snowie:Powerful medicine in tobacco! And drum is one of the very best...

Snowie:Would be interesting if they could get some organic tobacco... hehe

Snowie:The tobacco will trigger a cascade of memories (including past lives) that need to be re-integrated...

Snowie:Hmmm... The Rogers are hoping they can find a nice clay pipe so they won't have to use paper...

Snowie:A nice long pipe....

Snowie:They are remembering how it was... in another lifetime....

Snowie:Maybe they should go eat some bugs too to help their memories! ;)


Snowie:hahaha, the Rogers are not as tickled by that idea as we are... We will trick them; they will eat bugs when they aren't expecting it...

Snowie:They are sooo careful to avoid eating bugs, there must be a good reason for it and that means there is an even better reason to get them to eat some...

Snowie:hoho... they are trying to stop us talking about that!

Snowie:Ah well we can change the subject...

Snowie:Maybe we will get them some chocolate covered ants.... hehehe

Caroline:like peanuts

Snowie:Do you ever experiment with exotic food?

Snowie:Hmm... really? The Rogers love peanuts...

Caroline:no eeeeeeeeeh no way

Greg:We ate some ducks' feet last fall at the Bhuddist party... we thought they were peanuts; nice and crunchy!


Snowie:Hmmm... We suspect we are going to be a lot of help to the Rogers...

Snowie:But the Rogers were very upset when their chicken curry had an entire chicken's head and lots of bones in it....

Snowie:but they did fine, they didn’t eat the head, they are sorry if that offended anyone, but they did pick through many of the bones, that's a major step for them....


Snowie:yah, The Rogers were way grossed out.

Snowie:We will have to access more past life memories about eating... They repress that stuff like crazy but by dealing with their phobia about it we can help open up their past life memories

NOTE: Our chat returned to Caroline’s past lives; she asks if we can tell her names of any other past lives…)
Snowie:Ah we do not know your other names sweetie, except if you tell them to us, we can try and look for names for you that are familiar to us though... hold on hon…

Snowie:Hmmm.. Nothing is popping up at the moment but we will consider it and get back to you, now that you have asked it should come to us...

Snowie:It is much easier to answer questions than to go rooting around for info on our own

Greg:Wow, we are getting a bit sleepy now, we have been up about 18 hours...

Caroline:yes I better go sleeping also

Greg:We need to stay up another 6 hours or we will wake up too early tomorrow am

Caroline:past midnight here...

Caroline:was a wonderful chat

Snowie:yes... thank you so much for talking with us Caroline it has been a great help and will become a real treasure....


Caroline:love love love

Greg:Love you lots sweetie, welterusten hon!



Greg:Mmm... Love that wonderful energy form you hon…

Greg:ciao for now!


Greg:bye love!

A bit of an explanation may be needed as many readers will have recognized The Sisters or Caz & Pol. Some people who are members of groups sharing one body (in this world *) may be from alternate worlds or alternate realities which include the worlds of mythology and so-called ‘fictional’ works. Among the multiple communities members of a group who were characters from TV, books, movies, stories or legends are commonly known as ‘soul bonds’.

As we understand this, these worlds actually exist, more or less as described by the authors or creators of the stories told about them; we would consider such writers or story-tellers to be channeling their information about those alternate realities. As nearly as we can understand everything anyone is able to imagine is actually real.

The sisters may be derived from soul-bonds of the fates. One of the Rogers presumably went into the astral to explore the reality of the fates and met them and formed a bond with them that allowed avatars of the fates to join the group with the Rogers, similar to the manner in which the twins Caz and Pol were adopted into the group.

Emily also qualifies as a soul-bond, however with Emily, as with Alina, there was a flesh and blood embodied girl whom met with one of the Rogers and bonded with them by extending an avatar to them.

We do not know Alina’s status; the Rogers experienced her as a ghost for 30 years after her death. Did her actual ghost join the family of friends, or is the Alina who joined our family another soul-bond? In Alina’s case her Roger shared her body with her, and she shared her Roger’s body with him a year or so prior to her death. They could see themselves by looking out through the other’s eyes from within the other’s body. The best argument in favor of Alina being her authentic self is that she joined our group through an alchemical union of twin flames. Oh, and Alina says of course she is her authentic self, how could we possibly doubt?

And yes, she feels like the authentic Alina to us in every way. So perhaps that question has just been resolved.

Jerry, (aka Doc) would be another example of a soul-bond with someone who was formerly a flesh and blood friend of one or more of the Rogers. He was known as Gerry, and was a very nice warm man who was a therapist for the Rogers several different times during their lives.

Eric may be another soul-bond example. If so, his flesh and blood counterpart would have been a Satanist named Tim who was once a friend of one of the Rogers…

Eric:I don’t want to be a Soul-Bond of Tim’s he was a fucked up dude.

Rogers:Hmm, seems like saying you don’t want to be Tim’s soul-bond says you are his soul-bond.

Eric:Yeah, well I want my freedom form him!

Rogers:You already have it.

Eric:Then stop calling me Tim’s soul-bond.

Rogers:What does it matter if you began life as Tim’s avatar and one of the Rogers’ soul-bonds.

Roger17:Hmmm… we loved Tim. Then we didn’t love him. We agree with the Erics, he was a fucked up guy.

Jerry:Well, Tim may not have been so fucked up as you think.

Rogers:Maybe… He wanted to hurt people.

Jerry:He was hurting…

Alina:Besides if any of the Rogers loved this guy then he must really have been ok.

Rogers:Why? Do you think that if one of us loves anyone that automatically makes them ok?

Alina:Sorry, Everyone is ok. That is the point. Saying he was fucked up is really saying you were fucked up. And in either case it wasn’t true.

Jerry:Lesson Number Umpity-Ump… Everyone is doing their very best all the time, given their knowledge, understanding and circumstances.

Rogers:Yes, yes, we know that lesson... It’s just not applied very consistently yet.

Jerry:So stop judging people and rescind your past judgments. As Alina points out you are really only judging yourself. Only Tim’s opinion of Tim matters, and it only matters to Tim. One of you loved him, so even if you got angry with him or were scared of him or jealous or whatever, everyone is best served by remembering the love and accepting Tim unconditionally.

Rogers: Yes, you are right of course, we just slip up from time to time. It’s hard to remember these lessons and apply them consistently.

Jerry:So Erics, you need to re-evaluate your positions with regard to your authentic or original being, which appears to be Tim. When you call Tim a fucked up person you are reiterating the same mistake you complain about when you say that others here are prejudiced toward you. Your motive to find fault with Tim is in part to redirect the criticism you have received away from yourself. Also as a group of persons perceiving themselves as having been abused victims, you want to act out the role of the abuser, the role of power, and have transferred the victim role to Tim to allow yourself a greater sense of power. But this is a false power and by emulating the abuser and becoming abusive you perpetuate yourself as a victim when you should really be empowering yourself to deny your victim-hood and take responsibility for your lives and all of the manifestations of your lives.

Erics:Sheesh we hate it when you are right. Don’t you ever shut up?

Jerry:No. Why should we? We see pathology, we analyze pathology, and then we hope to purge the pathology by exposing it. That’s our job, to heal.

Rogers:Wait, you perceive yourself as multiple as well?

Jerries:Yes. Most people are multiple to some degree or other. We think a new model for mental health needs to arise that acknowledges and exploits the benefits that being multiple can provide.

Rogers:And you’re our shrink… do many people in your profession agree with you?

Jerries:Not many, not yet, but the paradigm is expanding and evolving. It may eventually gain credibility and be adopted as a valid model for consciousness and become a foundation for a whole new approach to therapy.

Rogers:Hmm… that’s serious food for thought.

Jerries:We believe it is, yes.

Rogers:Okay, let’s take stock a moment. Who hasn’t appeared yet?

Alina:we haven’t heard from Sneezy, Sleepy or Happy.

Alina:We also haven’t heard from George or Mimi or several others from their class.

Alina:And we haven’t heard from Mau’dib, Michael Smith or Jubal Harshaw or many others in their class **.

Rogers:Hmm… We know about Jubal, we thought he was just an avatar of Robert Heinlein... Bob comes to encourage us from time to time. It’s been awhile since we last heard from him. He calls us son, which we like. We kinda fell in love with him.

Robert:So get to work son, we’ll be there to help you.

Rogers: thanks, we’re trying… this is part of our work, isn’t it?

Robert:Not really son, no one is going to pay you for this introspective shit.

Rogers:Yah, but the payoff is that we are getting to understand our circumstances and expand our support base.

Robert:Support base? Stand on your own, be a man!

Rogers:Hmm… well when we have us figured out well enough to know who we are we might just do that.

Robert:you can go on forever in this vein son, you have to learn to do more productive work. Time’s a-wasting!

Rogers:Time enough for love Bob?

Robert:Always time enough for that son. (hugs)

Ok peeps. We are going to conclude part two here and move on to tackle something else. We were hoping to hear from an angel and get more guidance or instruction about Stepping Stones, but maybe we just need to knuckle down and tackle it on our own for the moment.

Thanks for being one of our readers; we hope you’ve enjoyed this as much as we have!

Love from:Greg, Alina, the Rogers, the Sisters(Snowie, Carrie, Cassie), the Erics(Eric, Erika...), the Jerries, Stan, Tom, (Tina & Gina), the Twins(Caz & Pol), Emily, and more...

* Many people in one body may not be entirely accurate if we consider that some of us may have bodies in other worlds. Those of us who are avatars or soul-bonds may be avatars of incarnate people or beings that live in other worlds or other times. In some instances such as with Emily, we are the avatar or soul-bond of someone who is currently alive now in this world.

** CLASSES might be different sorts of avatars or soul-bonds, such as the Rogers former flesh & blood friends or lovers, historical people from books or legends, or mythical people from alternate realities, etc...

Alina wishes to add that we still have not resolved the questions regarding the AIs, Angels & Demons, or Madrigal & the Traveler, or other characters from the stories by the Rogers or Greg...

Sunday, June 10, 2007

About Prayer (Stepping Stones)

(Excerpt from the first draft of our new book)

Maybe prayer isn’t for everyone; it’s up to you to choose whether prayer can be right for you. We believe that even atheists can use prayer effectively; we believe prayer is a powerful and valuable tool. We hope that this brief explanation of prayer will help you understand the importance of prayer the way we have come to understand it.

About Prayer

An angel has asked us to tell you about prayer. What are angels? We have it on good authority that angels are light. According to the angel we just spoke with they are messengers. We haven’t much liked angels in the past, but we are starting to get used to talking with them.

This particular angel wanted us to tell you about prayer because prayer is very important. Regardless of how you believe in God, or even if you don’t believe in God, prayer works.

Prayer works because you are in charge. Unfortunately, if you do not know that you are in charge then you do not know how to ask yourself to fix things for you. You do not know how to ask yourself for help. You do not know how to ask yourself for what you want.

Just ask.

That’s really all there is to it.

If it seems as if it can’t be that simple, we would like to assure you that it is just that simple.

Just ask for help.

Ask for what you need.

Ask for anything you want.

Your prayers will be answered.

It has been our direct experience that our prayers have been answered, and we did not even believe in prayer. We did not even want to believe in prayer. (Well some of us did.) Anyhow, we tried it and it worked. And it is still working.

We aren’t very good at praying yet, but we now understand enough about prayer to help you with any issues that you may have with prayer.

Prayer is not about God.

Prayer is about You.

You are the one who ultimately answers all of your prayers. But if you do not have faith in yourself, if you do not have faith in the connectedness between yourself and the universe that puts you in charge of your life, then it can help to believe in an outside power called God who can help you by answering your prayers.

Whether God exists or not is irrelevant to the effectiveness of prayer. Prayer based on a belief in God will work more or less as well as prayer based on a belief in atheism. This is because there is a fundamental nature to the way our hearts and minds work that presupposes a higher power even if we wish to deny that a higher power exists.

We see evidence of higher powers in our daily lives in the form of police officers, lawyers, judges, statesmen, diplomats, scholars and anyone else in an authoritative role.

Men, in particular, are biologically programmed for the dominance game, and the dominance game is all about power and who is on top.

So long as you do not perceive yourself as being on top, you inadvertently presume someone else is on top, even if that someone else is some nameless authority you have never seen. And what better example of a nameless, ambiguous authority whom you have never seen can there be than God? Of course we have given God names, but you get the idea.

It is irrelevant whether you believe in God or not, so long as you ask for help. The real help will be coming from you. You are the one who will answer all of your own prayers.

Even if you do not know how you will answer your own prayers, you can still do it. You are doing it all the time. You may not know how a computer works, but you can still use one.

Prayer doesn’t require your understanding.

Prayer doesn’t require your belief.

Prayer only requires one thing, prayer requires you to ask.

So just ask.

We had a lot of trouble with prayer because of our pride and stubbornness. We didn’t want to pray because we did not want to acknowledge any power higher than ourselves. But if we were the highest authority in our lives, then we were screwing up royally, because we were really miserable.

We had to work hard to understand this.

Why were choosing to make ourselves so miserable?

That’s a long complex answer not really suited to this part of this book. The short answer is that we were making ourselves miserable because we didn’t know better.

So now we know better and we are trying to apply that knowledge to change our lives and we are trying to share that knowledge with you in the hopes that it will help you change your lives too. (Please bear with us, you may not experience yourself as being more than one person, but we see you a little differently, and you will learn why this is so later in this book.)

The point is: Prayer works.

It doesn’t really need any more explanation than that, but if you are as reluctant as I was to try it then you may need to look into what makes you so reluctant.

We mentioned that pride was an issue for us. Prayer seems to put us in an inferior position to something else which we may want to call God for lack of a better term. It doesn’t matter what we perceive ourselves as being inferior to, the act of having to ask for help implies our inferiority and our pride had issues with that. We are still getting over those issues. But it helps us from our point of view to know that we are not inferior to God because in the most ultimate sense of our identity We are God, and so are You.


Even if you are an atheist, prayer works. Not because God exists, but because You exist. Think of prayer as a way of tricking yourself into accomplishing things that you don’t believe you know how to do.

You don’t believe you know how to make a universe, but you create the universe around you all the time. It doesn’t matter if you don’t know how you do it, and it doesn’t matter if you don’t believe you do it. We know you do it, and in time you may figure this out for yourself.

You don’t even have to take our word on it that you are the creator of your universe, because changing what you believe isn’t required.

It can really help if you change your beliefs, but it isn’t required.

The only requirement for prayer is that you ask.

You don’t have to be humble to ask, although asking can make you feel humble.

You don’t have to be pious to ask, although asking may help you feel pious.

You don’t have to believe to ask, but seeing your prayers answered may make you a believer.

If you feel like you have been praying and that your prayers aren’t being answered, or that your prayers are being answered the wrong ways, then you will need to do a little prayer debugging.

That is really what the rest of this book is all about, how to debug your prayers.

We still find the word prayer a little offensive. So we still have some debugging to do in that department. But it is a minor bug. We know prayer works and if you don’t yet know prayer works, we trust you will discover that it does, so long as you make a sincere effort to try prayer and you learn how to debug it when it seems to fail or goof up.

If you already consider yourself a pious person we apologize if we have said things you found offensive. We totally believe in God, we just may not understand God the same way you do.

If you consider yourself an atheist, we hope you won’t find talking about God too offensive. We embraced atheism along our path and it didn’t work for us. Perhaps it works for you. It doesn’t matter whether God exists or not as long as you know how to make your life better and are you free to do so.

This book is about liberation. This book is about freedom. This book is about putting you in charge of your life in a manner that is more powerful than you may ever have imagined was possible. This book is about you.

The information we intend to share with you in this book is about how to recreate yourself as the best possible person you can hope to be. If you don’t want to improve yourself and your life then put this book down loser!

However, if you sincerely want to learn what makes you tick as a human being, if you sincerely want to learn how your heart and mind and body work together to help sustain you, if you sincerely want to know how to improve every aspect of your life, then we think this book will help you a lot and we hope you will enjoy reading it as much as we are enjoying writing it.

This book is for you.

If you feel we left something out here, you are right. This book is intended to go beyond helping you to make yourself a better person. This book is intended to help you make the world you live in a better world. We hope you have the courage to do this for yourself, we think you are going to like the results.

And remember, if you are uncertain about anything, or think you need something, just ask.

Really, just ask!



Hi, we are collectively known by the name of Greg Gourdian for the purposes of publishing articles. We are a collective of people spanning many worlds and universes; we cohabitate many bodies in many very different or similar worlds.

We worked with the general public as a psychic reader for a little over four years from 1981 to 1986. While much of our written work is channeled, we may sometimes admit that we may have no idea who many of the voices of our channeled work may be.

We have many strange tales to tell regarding our spiritual journeys and we try to tell our tales in a humorous or entertaining manner.

While we were not an accredited teacher, we have taught high-school classes in metaphysics & parapsychology, psychology, and sociology, while we were attending our high-school as a student.

We are still emerging from the closet in regard to being a system of many people inhabiting what appears to be a single body in the context of the interface pairs we share with you. Our current written works reflect this new change in perspective as we have adopted the plural personal pronoun in order to reinforce our awareness and understanding of ourselves in regard to the multipleness of our being.

We apologize if we sometimes may sound either awkward or conceited as a consequence of making this change in how we refer to ourselves.

The core of our groups’ primary beliefs share these ideals: That love should be universal and unconditional; that liberty is our most important right, and that liberty is a gift like love which we may best enjoy by giving it freely to all others; and that justice may best be served by not judging.


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