Moving on...

Dear friends,

Our blog has migrated again...

Please visit our aging blog on Temple Illuminatus,

or visit our blog on our new website:

This is our new site for Happy Face Coins :)

love, the Grigs,

aka Grigori Rho Gharveyn, Greg Gourdian, etc, et al...

Please read and share our story:

Our Future History, How the Earth Made Peace



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New blogs and selected articles appear below the heading info at the top of our blog so if you clicked on a link to a specific blog on our site and you came here, you should find the blog you selected by paging down once or twice, or CLICK HERE for your selection or for our most recent blog...

Please also note, our index is broken. When you get the error message after selecting an article please backspace the last 9 characters from the URL in the address bar to carry on to the article requested. Thank you!

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You are welcome to comment, ask questions or request help directly by email. Our email is:

We have been neglecting our blog and we apologise if you tried to leave a comment that we failed to respond to. Comments are now turned off because there is no way to respond to those deserving a response if you have not included your contact info in your comment, and because the spider-bots keep dropping unwanted ads in the comment areas.

Our Articles and Blogs

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Graduation & Other News

Dear friends, those we've met and those we've yet to meet...

We received notice of our graduation from spirit guide school. along with a white feather to commemorate the occasion. We are now a full-fledged spirit guide in our own right. (Some of you may remember one of our spirit guides, White Feather. )

We have been operating a sort of impromptu street clinic for people in crisis following spiritual awakenings and it's been going very well.

We are currently in Philadelphia visiting family and trying to look up old friends.

We have reliably accessed the metaprogramming circuit level of consiousness described by Timothy Leary three times in the past 2 months, and we are eager to continue working in that vein as it correlates with the throat chakra and the potential to completely heal ourselves of our various organic/emotional/psychological issues.

We are meeting lots of new people every day, and we now may have one or more lovers waiting for us in San Francisco when we get home. These are monumental changes in our lives.

Greg is beginning to improve and we hope to have his help with our writing work again very soon, as we are getting antsy to continue our novel regarding AD 2076, and our story "Vampire Therapy".

We will be taking down the message board notice above asap, as that idea didn't pan out so well. That may take awhile as our PC is currently offline with a crashed hard drive, and we are using library PCs and friends' PCs for the moment.

We have recently observed that the internal links on this blog are working even more poorly than before. we will try to get that fixed asap as well.

We love you all and are looking forward to hearing from you soon, but please understand if our replies are delayed by our diminshed PC access at this time.

Love, Gharveyn

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

About Belief Systems

Our belief systems enable us to function in the social and natural worlds, and yet, our belief systems may also be a trap, a self-limiting system of ideas. The deconstructionist movement has tried to break down belief systems in an effort to discover what it means to be truly free, yet our minds may be incapable of liberating us from the intricate webs of beliefs within which we have ensnared ourselves.

About Belief Systems

It seems as if everyone must have a belief system. Believing we do not have a belief system may simply be another belief system. Belief systems are extraordinarily complex; they are designed to help us explain to ourselves how the world around us works.

Our belief systems help us to anticipate what may happen next, to be prepared for life’s everyday experiences. They provide a cushion and a refuge against trauma and disease.

Given all the benefits of possessing a belief system many people may wonder why anyone would want to challenge their own belief systems. Challenging our conventional belief systems makes us outcasts, renegades. When we challenge our belief systems we are challenging our family, friends, cultures and societies, all of which have extremely powerful defense mechanisms established to protect their cherished belief systems.

As individuals we often cling to our belief systems with a terrible passion, we are too often afraid to challenge them, afraid to learn what may lie beyond the narrow scope of our current comprehension of the worlds we live in. We defend our belief systems vehemently because we depend upon our beliefs for our sense of security.

Since most of our belief systems are composed of elements adopted from our families, friends, societies and cultures, our reflexive defenses of our personal belief systems also act as defense mechanisms to protect our social and cultural belief systems. We act like antibodies in an immune system, protecting our social and cultural belief systems from any perceived threat or challenge.

Our societies and cultures typically teach us how to defend our belief systems, we are often taught to defend our beliefs with brutality. Our capacities to defend our personal, societal and cultural belief systems logically through discourse, dialogue and debate may be severely limited by the willingness of our adversaries to listen to our arguments.

One of the key defense mechanisms of most belief systems is a deliberately indoctrinated, often willful ignorance.

When we are defending our belief systems we too often choose to disregard anything that we do not recognize as a part of our beliefs. This helps us to avoid thinking about the merits of our opponents’ arguments; if we never even consider their arguments then our beliefs may be safe from challenge or change.

When we cannot ignore serious challenges to our precious belief systems we escalate our defenses and may impose sanctions to limit the efforts of our antagonists to educate us regarding their beliefs. Sanctions typically deprive our opponents of something critical, such as commerce, education, access to health care, and even such basic necessities as food or shelter. We do everything in our power to cripple the people who challenge our beliefs; we try to disable them in order to prevent them from having the strength and resources to continue to challenge our beliefs.

Ostracization is one of the most terrible forms of sanctions imposed upon people who challenge our beliefs. The company of our families, friends and societies is an essential part of most people’s lives. Those who seriously challenge the beliefs of their own societies and cultures are often ostracized, excluded from their societies in order to protect their societies from further challenge.

Ostracization has three basic forms, in the gentlest form we simply ignore anyone who has been ostracized. We allow them no opportunity to interact with us by refusing to respond to them, by treating them as if they simply do not exist. Homeless people are treated this way every day.

In the intermediate level of ostracization we imprison or expel those people whom we deem to be too dangerous to our social or cultural beliefs, particularly with regard to our political or religious beliefs. We may deport them, send them to prisons, or lock them away in mental hospitals; we may even lock up their minds with chemicals.

Alcoholism and other debilitating forms of substance abuse cripple potential revolutionaries who might otherwise seriously challenge our social and cultural institutions. The prevalence of theses substances in our societies helps ensure that many disenfranchised persons eager to challenge our societies’ beliefs will disable themselves by their own inadvertent choice, a neat, convenient, economical solution.

The most extreme form of ostracization is execution. Those persons who represent the greatest threat to our social and cultural stability are simply murdered.

Who is being ostracized today? Who is in prison or locked away in mental wards? Who have we medicated into abject submission? Who have we killed?

All societies seem to employ sanctions such as these in their self-defense.

Our belief systems may be our most precious possessions. People will choose to die for what they believe in. People will accept imprisonment or torture rather than give up their beliefs.

And yet, our belief systems have absolutely no validity, they are unreal.

It appears to be impossible to validate any belief systems.

Philosophers agree that all of what we perceive may only be illusions. There is no way to prove we are not simply dreaming all of our experiences. There is no way to prove that any of our experiences are real, therefore there are no valid, external contexts through which we can validate our personal or societal beliefs.

The best we can do is to have faith in our beliefs, whatever our beliefs may be.

Scientific rationalism is just another belief system that cannot prove it references an objective external reality. Even though scientific rationalism became popular because it was perceived as a means of escaping from the infirm ground of religious faiths, scientific rationalism cannot prove, with all its precise measurements and data, that any part of its own system of beliefs is real or valid.

While science allows us to more accurately describe the mechanics of the worlds we live in, science cannot prove these worlds are real.

We are stuck with having to have faith in science.

But what really happens if we allow our belief systems to be challenged?

Do we really need to defend our beliefs so vehemently?

In the deconstructionist movement philosophers are exploring tearing down all of our belief systems in an attempt to reduce everything to a common ground free of misconceptions and self-serving systems of belief. But those belief systems which may appear to be valid or useful to us must also be challenged and torn down, because all belief systems may be invalid, they are products of thousands of years of evolution, and mistakes creep in which appear to be self-evident truths, such as the earth is flat, or that the sun revolves around the earth.

There may be no belief systems which are valid or incorrupt.

When mystics tell us to live in the present moment, to live in the now, they are advising us to abandon our beliefs. All belief systems incorporate concepts or ideas about the worlds we experience. All conceptual systems are inherently unreal because they exist only in our minds; they consist of codifications of our past experiences, references to realities which cannot even be proven to exist.

We cannot be living in the present moment if we are living in our ideas about the present moment. Our belief systems always keep us at least one step removed from the present; they are a sort of dissociative mechanism because there is a break between what is still considered to be ‘objective reality’ and the mental worlds we inhabit through our belief systems’ conceptual and perceptual filters.

There appears to be no concrete, objective reality whatsoever.

This is one of the hardest ‘truths’ for anyone to seriously consider. All of what we consider to be objective reality may be illusionary. Our belief systems, with no objective reality to anchor them, can only be taken on faith. Even though most people will assume their personal beliefs are valid and based on a quantifiable, definable, external reality, it would appear that all belief systems are entirely subjective; they may be completely personal to each individual.

This is why collective cultural and societal belief systems are so popular. When a large group of people agree on a common set of beliefs they appear to validate one another and lend strength to the illusion that their beliefs are real or true. Culturally institutionalized belief systems provide most members of their societies and cultures with a sense of stability and security, a firm ground upon which to stand.

When we abandon or attack the illusionary firm ground of our cultural and societal belief systems we risk losing everything we possess. We risk the loss of our social networks and all of their support. We risk losing our illusions of an objective reality. With these losses we lose any context with which to support our personal beliefs.

Reality is then up for grabs.

The best we can possibly do in these circumstances is to have faith in ourselves, while allowing others the liberty of their own beliefs without allowing ourselves to feel threatened.

When we codify our own beliefs and try to impose them on others we seem to inevitably encounter conflict. When we impose our beliefs on others we risk becoming people who act with ignorance, hatred or cruelty.

Our belief systems are indefensible, they therefore require no defenses.

When we can relax our feverishly slippery hold upon our own beliefs we can be at peace with everyone around us because we need no longer feel threatened by anyone whose views are different from our own.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Recent Events

Mmm... yes we've been away for a long time again... Not to worry though, we are feeling pretty good at them moment in spite of the usual problems.

For those who don't know, we have been a chronic depressive with lots of suicidal ideation in the past but are working hard at recovering from that. Drugs don't help with the depression or our pain so we mostly do it the hard way, by deep analysis of our behavior and the motivations underlying it.

What we have learned over the years has been augmented and reinforced on this last trip into our depression. Nothing too special, clinically, just serious issues with intimacy. We have non-consciously alienated pretty much everyone who loves us in the past but are getting a grip on how and why we do that.

It's a defense mechanism.

As is typical of such defense mechanisms, we have outgrown the need to be afraid of the people who love us, but the automatic responses to defend ourselves by driving away the people who love us or abandoning them still kicks in. It makes us seem pretty stupid at times, we fail to respond to people appropriately or appear to live in a world of our own (which we do).

Nonetheless, we are working hard to fix this and appreciate your help and understanding. If we have upset you in any way please talk to us about it as we most likely had no conscious intention of doing so. It may have been a simple misunderstanding but too often it is our defensiveness trying to drive away people we love who also love us.

If you are one of our old friends from a BBS or Spirit chat room who has not seen or heard from us in a long time, we are sorry to seem to have abandoned you.

We remain in terrible pain all the time; the worst part of that pain is emotional, our loneliness.

We get overwhelmed in chat sites and eventually retire from them as we become more depressed by being in contact with people, particularly the people we love most. It may seem a bit odd, but the more we are involved with people we love the worse our feelings of emotional pain and isolation become.

That is part of what we need to change about ourselves. We need to learn to allow people to love us without driving them off or running away.

We won't make any commitments to return to chat sites, as they consume too much precious time, however we will try to stay in touch with email and IMs when we hear from you, and you are welcome to contact us anytime.

We do love you all, and we hope to become better friends with every one of you.