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love, the Grigs,

aka Grigori Rho Gharveyn, Greg Gourdian, etc, et al...

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Our Articles and Blogs

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Happy Holidays

Happy Holidays - Rewrite of 'The Night Before Chsitmas"

Twas a night in December and and all through the house
The smell of hot chocolate had been brewed by a spouse
There were everywhere signs of a party's good fun
But the revellers left, there were chores to be done
The spouse and their spouse both cleaned up the whole house
Until no mess was left, not one crumb for a mouse
Then they bundled up snugly all warm with delight
And told stories by firelight long into the night
They shared the adventures they each had alone
And they cared for each other until their hearts shone
With the light of their spirits which filled up the air
They said all that needs saying to each other with care
And when they were done and the fire burned down
They went off to their bed far too happy to frown
They pulled back the covers and what a surprise!
Their bed had been filled with sweet gifts from the wise
All laden with treasures from all their good friends
Their bed was too full for their tired rear ends
So they slept on the couch in each others' warm arms
And dreamed of each others' enchantments and charms

Posted as an answer on Yahoo Answers...

Happy Holidays!