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Monday, October 09, 2006

About Love – Loving Unconditionally

You may be familiar with the term unconditional love, but have you learned to practice this powerful concept? Unconditional love is a transformational gift that empowers us and those whom we love to become the best that we can be. It is fundamental to our happiness and wellbeing to learn how to love ourselves and others unconditionally.

Unconditional love is more than a powerful concept it is has the genuine power to heal both ourselves and people around us. When we love someone unconditionally we accept them with all of their flaws and weaknesses and transform those things within them which may be hard for them to accept into things they may more easily accept and deal with. When we accept ourselves for who we are with all our flaws then we empower ourselves to change and improve ourselves. Unconditional love tells another person that those things within themselves which they find fault with are ok, that they can accept those things about themselves and not feel badly about themselves or punish themselves for those things. And of course, when we love ourselves unconditionally we receive the same message and empower ourselves to grow and become better people.
Unfortunately it is part of the nature of our human condition to use our love as a manipulative tool. We may think we are trying to change something about someone we love for the better by placing conditions on our love, but this simply isn’t true. By making our love for either ourselves or for others conditional we limit our love and effectively say we do not love ourselves or we do not love others in regard to whatever conditions we have defined.
Withdrawing our love from ourselves and from others can only ever harm both the person who feels less loved and the person who limits their love. A person who feels unloved by us may feel less love for themselves by finding fault with themselves for which they then withhold their own love of themselves doing themselves more harm. Or a person who has been denied love based on conditions may resent the limits of the love they have received and become angry or bitter toward someone who otherwise might love them. So conditional love is very harmful, it is not really love at all because it has the power to do so much harm.
We should never place limits or conditions on our love for anyone else, including ourselves. It is an injustice to love anyone, including ourselves, in any conditional manner. We should always look within ourselves and other people for those places where we feel our love may be constrained by any judgment or criticism and let go of that judgment or criticism and accept ourselves and everyone else for who we are now. When we limit our love and predicate the full effulgence of our love on conditions which must first be met we are being selfish and manipulative. Love can never arise from selfish or manipulative behavior it can only be spoiled by these.
It may seem hard to love other people unconditionally. We may feel someone we otherwise might love unconditionally has a particular character trait which we feel is repulsive and we may want them to change that in order to make themselves worthy of our love. That is such a selfish ego game. Who are we to decide for others how they should be? It may be the case that someone who cares for us may discover for themselves what they may want to change about themselves which may make it easier for us to love them but they must do that of their own accord in their own good time and not be pushed to change or be manipulated to change because this pushing manipulative behavior is selfish and aggressive and may cause unpleasant reactions in which the person we feel we might otherwise love resents us and becomes angry with us.
So whenever we come across any limits we may feel in our loving regard for others or for ourselves we should change ourselves in response to those limits and learn to accept and to love in response to such feelings without limits or conditions. Love is not about putting ourselves ahead of everyone else, but when we love someone in a conditional manner that is exactly what we are doing; we are putting what we want ahead of truly loving someone.
We impoverish our lives by the limits which we place on our love. Worse, we impoverish the lives of others whom we should love unconditionally. We cannot afford this sort of poverty of our spirits. It demeans us, making less of us in our own eyes as well as in the eyes of others. Only by embracing ourselves and everyone we meet with our full effulgent and unconditional love can we empower ourselves to love and to heal ourselves and to love and help heal those around us whoever they may be.
We must let go of all of our terms and conditions and judgments and criticism and accept the world as it is and accept everyone in the world as they are. Acceptance is an incredibly powerful fulcrum which enables our love to be a lever that moves the world. We may move the world with our love in every moment, and the world will love us all back the more in return.
When we empower ourselves to be unconditionally loving to everyone we meet, including ourselves we will have never regret it; instead we will make ourselves and everyone we meet happier, healthier more loving human beings.

Fledgling author Greg Gourdian has worked with the general public as a psychic reader for a little over four years from 1981 to 1986. Much of his written work is channeled, although he will admit that he has no idea who many of the sources for his channeled work may be. He has many strange tales to tell regarding his spiritual journey and he attempts to tell his tales in a humorous or entertaining manner. While not an accredited teacher, Greg has taught classes in psychology, sociology, metaphysics and parapsychology.