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Tuesday, October 17, 2006
About Love - Forgiving
What do we do when we hold things in our hearts which we feel badly about? How can we allow anyone to love us if we do not love ourselves? Love has many pitfalls and it is necessary for us to find peace within our hearts and to find love for ourselves before we can love anyone else or feel secure in regard to the love others have for us.
When we hold things in our hearts for which we feel shame or anger or pain or resentment or any other negative feelings we find it difficult to love ourselves. Indeed, many of us come to hate ourselves with a passion and we may set about to destroy ourselves either deliberately or through neglect or by sub-conscious self sabotage. We may feel great despair that no one should love us because of the dark issues in our hearts, and we will very often convince ourselves that no one can ever truly love us because of our poor regard for ourselves.
In this state, because we feel we are un-loveable we will tend to perceive the love others have for ourselves as selfish and riddled with ulterior motives even if that love is pure and selfless; in this manner we spoil the gift of love that others may try to share with us thereby doing both ourselves and those who love us great injustice.
While many of us do not reach such an extreme and deliberately self destructive state in regard to ourselves and the dark places in our hearts, most of us are afflicted by some darkness in our hearts and we sub-consciously undermine our lives in our efforts to punish ourselves for whatever dark things we keep deep in our hearts. That part of our lives which receives the most damage from our self loathing and sabotage is our relationships to the people we most love or desire.
We must find it within our capacity to forgive ourselves for anything in our hearts which we have done which has hurt us or which has hurt someone else. It is not necessary for us to ever seek any forgiveness from anyone else. We do not need to seek forgiveness from others we have hurt because they may be unprepared to forgive us even though it will always be in their best interest to do so.
By seeking forgiveness from others we are doing ourselves harm. We have disempowered ourselves from being able to heal ourselves when we require others to forgive us. The one we most need to be forgiven by is our self. By forgiving ourselves of any hurt we may have caused to others or to ourselves we empower ourselves to love ourselves and to heal.
While we need no one else to forgive us it is still important that we forgive all others whom we may feel have ever hurt us in any way.
Forgiving others is like seeking to be forgiven, it is not necessary to seek out those whom you wish to forgive. However, if an opportunity ever arises to speak kind words of forgiveness to someone who has hurt you then you should regard that moment is a golden opportunity to help yourself and to help that other person so that you may both heal and become happier human beings. It is always a good idea to act in that moment and to immediately create new healing.
Forgiveness is a wonderful blessing. It can be easy to give and yet it enriches our lives immensely. However, when we find it difficult to forgive ourselves or anyone else then the sores in our hearts can fester and these sores will slowly poison us day by day making our lives darker and leading us into greater misery, pain and despair all of which may often be unnecessary.
We create this pain and misery for ourselves as a signal to pay attention and to immediately take the appropriate action to heal ourselves by forgiving. But if we choose to neglect the roots of our pain and misery we will be unable to address the issues in our lives which linger on unresolved, and which will then continue to harm us. The choice to forgive is ours to make and we can prevent much pain and misery in our lives by choosing to forgive anything and everything which may happen to us the very instant it occurs.
Just as we will reflexively pull our hand away from a fire if we accidentally put our hand too close to a hot fire, so too we should reflexively forgive any harm which is done to us or which we may have done to ourselves. Failure to quickly forgive anything which happens to us which may seem to have harmed us is as dangerous to our wellbeing as is leaving our hand too near to a hot fire.
Forgiveness is all about love. If we wish others to love us we will be unable to accept their love so long as anything in our hearts remains un-forgiven. When we have opened our hearts and forgiven everyone, including ourselves for everything that has ever hurt us we are able to receive love without doubts about our worthiness interfering with the love we are meant to receive; doubting the love we receive can only ever cause us more pain.
When every hurt in our hearts has been forgiven then we become free to love everyone around us more effulgently, thereby gracing all of our lives with our joy, our happiness and our warm regards for everyone. In this state where everything is forgiven we are prepared to love and to be loved in a manner that can only bring us even greater joy and happiness.
Fledgling author Greg Gourdian has worked with the general public as a psychic reader for a little over four years from 1981 to 1986. Much of his written work is channeled, although he will admit that he has no idea who many of the sources for his channeled work may be. He has many strange tales to tell regarding his spiritual journey and he attempts to tell his tales in a humorous or entertaining manner. While not an accredited teacher, Greg has taught classes in psychology, sociology, metaphysics and parapsychology.
Visit Greg's blog at
When we hold things in our hearts for which we feel shame or anger or pain or resentment or any other negative feelings we find it difficult to love ourselves. Indeed, many of us come to hate ourselves with a passion and we may set about to destroy ourselves either deliberately or through neglect or by sub-conscious self sabotage. We may feel great despair that no one should love us because of the dark issues in our hearts, and we will very often convince ourselves that no one can ever truly love us because of our poor regard for ourselves.
In this state, because we feel we are un-loveable we will tend to perceive the love others have for ourselves as selfish and riddled with ulterior motives even if that love is pure and selfless; in this manner we spoil the gift of love that others may try to share with us thereby doing both ourselves and those who love us great injustice.
While many of us do not reach such an extreme and deliberately self destructive state in regard to ourselves and the dark places in our hearts, most of us are afflicted by some darkness in our hearts and we sub-consciously undermine our lives in our efforts to punish ourselves for whatever dark things we keep deep in our hearts. That part of our lives which receives the most damage from our self loathing and sabotage is our relationships to the people we most love or desire.
We must find it within our capacity to forgive ourselves for anything in our hearts which we have done which has hurt us or which has hurt someone else. It is not necessary for us to ever seek any forgiveness from anyone else. We do not need to seek forgiveness from others we have hurt because they may be unprepared to forgive us even though it will always be in their best interest to do so.
By seeking forgiveness from others we are doing ourselves harm. We have disempowered ourselves from being able to heal ourselves when we require others to forgive us. The one we most need to be forgiven by is our self. By forgiving ourselves of any hurt we may have caused to others or to ourselves we empower ourselves to love ourselves and to heal.
While we need no one else to forgive us it is still important that we forgive all others whom we may feel have ever hurt us in any way.
Forgiving others is like seeking to be forgiven, it is not necessary to seek out those whom you wish to forgive. However, if an opportunity ever arises to speak kind words of forgiveness to someone who has hurt you then you should regard that moment is a golden opportunity to help yourself and to help that other person so that you may both heal and become happier human beings. It is always a good idea to act in that moment and to immediately create new healing.
Forgiveness is a wonderful blessing. It can be easy to give and yet it enriches our lives immensely. However, when we find it difficult to forgive ourselves or anyone else then the sores in our hearts can fester and these sores will slowly poison us day by day making our lives darker and leading us into greater misery, pain and despair all of which may often be unnecessary.
We create this pain and misery for ourselves as a signal to pay attention and to immediately take the appropriate action to heal ourselves by forgiving. But if we choose to neglect the roots of our pain and misery we will be unable to address the issues in our lives which linger on unresolved, and which will then continue to harm us. The choice to forgive is ours to make and we can prevent much pain and misery in our lives by choosing to forgive anything and everything which may happen to us the very instant it occurs.
Just as we will reflexively pull our hand away from a fire if we accidentally put our hand too close to a hot fire, so too we should reflexively forgive any harm which is done to us or which we may have done to ourselves. Failure to quickly forgive anything which happens to us which may seem to have harmed us is as dangerous to our wellbeing as is leaving our hand too near to a hot fire.
Forgiveness is all about love. If we wish others to love us we will be unable to accept their love so long as anything in our hearts remains un-forgiven. When we have opened our hearts and forgiven everyone, including ourselves for everything that has ever hurt us we are able to receive love without doubts about our worthiness interfering with the love we are meant to receive; doubting the love we receive can only ever cause us more pain.
When every hurt in our hearts has been forgiven then we become free to love everyone around us more effulgently, thereby gracing all of our lives with our joy, our happiness and our warm regards for everyone. In this state where everything is forgiven we are prepared to love and to be loved in a manner that can only bring us even greater joy and happiness.
Fledgling author Greg Gourdian has worked with the general public as a psychic reader for a little over four years from 1981 to 1986. Much of his written work is channeled, although he will admit that he has no idea who many of the sources for his channeled work may be. He has many strange tales to tell regarding his spiritual journey and he attempts to tell his tales in a humorous or entertaining manner. While not an accredited teacher, Greg has taught classes in psychology, sociology, metaphysics and parapsychology.
Visit Greg's blog at
Thursday, October 12, 2006
About Love – Conflict
About Love – Conflict
However much we may love someone we may sometimes find ourselves in serious conflict with them. One of the most common areas of conflict is over money. Both partners must be willing to make sacrifices in how they spend money to try to make things work. When only one partner makes sacrifices things are heading toward a break up.
Partners in a relationship must sacrifice themselves for the good of their relationship, but too much sacrifice will do more harm than good, particularly when each of us sees ourselves as having sacrificed more than our partner has.
There are many things we may sacrifice. Our time or money or our preferences regarding everything from our friends or how we dress to what we eat or what entertainment we may most enjoy or even more things may need to be sacrificed. If we fail to make some of these sacrifices our partners may feel unloved. If we make too many of these sacrifices we may resent our partners for seeming to require too much of us.
Both partners may feel they sacrifice too much and both may be correct. One partner may feel that they give up too much time or freedom while the other partner may feel they give up too much of their comfort or security.
Both complaints may be valid and need to be considered fairly. Sometimes there is an effort to ‘trade off’ but most of these things are like apples and oranges and it is hard to see the relative value of each in terms of the other or to know what a fair compromise may really be. Too often both partners continue to feel they are getting the short end of the deal no matter how much each feels they sacrifice for the other.
In response to feeling we may be getting less than our partner, one partner or both partners may go out and lavish rewards upon themselves spending a small fortune on what each desires perhaps without rational concern for the consequences. If we allow this sort of behavior to get out of hand we may find ourselves descending into unmanageable debt.
Perhaps the fastest way to resolve conflicts regarding what we feel we sacrifice for one another may be to strip everything down to the bare minimum, the absolute bare minimum.
One thing which should be reduced is our egoistic concerns for the quality or expense of our clothes. Wear what is appropriate to work but no more. Choose generic goods not designer labels. Off the rack, not custom tailored. Enough outfits for a single week and not a month. This does not mean that we must continue to reduce ourselves to this minimum standard indefinitely; it is only one of many things we can do to reach a starting point for a fair and equitable lifestyle that balances our own needs with the needs of our partner.
It will also be appropriate to give up some entertainment. A few books which we resell or trade, or some movie rentals may be ok but ‘collecting’ such things for the pleasure of owning them may need to be put on hold for awhile. Going to concerts or sporting events where there is no mutual interest or time to go together may need to be forsaken for a while as well. Keep in touch with music online or on the radio, keep up with sports teams in news reports from papers or on television. Both partners must reduce the time and money invested in these side interests to a bare minimum to reach a fair bargaining point where some of these activities may later be reintroduced through careful bargaining.
Plan meals together and trade off preparing simple favorite meals. Keep the effort and the expense of meal preparations to a reasonable minimum. We should temporarily give up any snacks or treats that are our selfish pleasures, particularly those which may put us at risk with regard to our health. Putting our health at risk is a sure fire way to say to our partner that we do not care either for ourselves or for them. We should eat basic and nourishing foods for awhile rather than a diet rich in our favorite indulgences. Again, some of these things may be reintroduced later, but not right away.
Another area where we may need to reduce our lifestyles to a minimum standard may be in regard to the time we spend with our personal friends outside of work or our home. Our friends can be wonderful resources for us, but if too much of our lives are consumed by our other relationships we may be bankrupting the one relationship which matters most.
In this manner, wherever there is time or money expended outside of the primary relationship we have with our partner those things should be curtailed. The practical goal of achieving a minimalized lifestyle is two-fold:
One part of the goal is to put ourselves in a situation where we have more time to spend with our partner so that we may talk or play together more often.
The other part of our goal is to develop a lifestyle where our budget is no longer strained and we can actually begin to save money rather than going into debt. Our debt must be resolved or we must develop a lifestyle which makes it possible to resolve our debt within our means.
Once we each have more time to invest with our partners there will be less jealousy about what each partner sacrifices because it is our time together which should mean more than anything else to both partners.
When we can learn to manage our debt successfully we may then slowly begin to reintroduce some special things which we desire if they are within our means to do so without either taking too much of our time away from our partner or seriously hampering our recovery from debt. We must think twice about everything we want, once for ourselves, and once to include what we will be giving our partner in the bargain we need to make to get what we desire.
We need to discuss with our partners any changes we wish to make to reintroduce some of the special things which we have given up and we must agree on which things each of us will be allowed to have in advance. We must seek a fair balance in what we choose for ourselves and in what we agree our partners may have so that both of us are in agreement about the equitability of our choices and the impact our choices will have on our budget and on the amount and quality of the time which we make available to our partner to be spent together.
From a minimalist standard of living many things which we may find both rewarding and fulfilling may be added back into our lifestyles at very little cost in either time or money. But with opulent lifestyles burdened by debt every pleasure we seek has a hidden consequence within our consciences that makes us feel guilty and defensive. Our guilt and defensiveness become hostility; we may then use these negative emotions to justify our self destructive or relationship destructive behavior thereby possibly exacerbating our opulent lifestyles and further undermining the amount and quality of time we may spend with our partners or adding to the burden of our debt.
Where conflict arises we must quell it through mutual and total self sacrifice; from there we may begin to learn anew how best to find those pleasures and rewards in our lives which most enhance not only our own health, joy and happiness but which also enhances the quality of the time and joy which we may share with our partner.
Note: In homes with children or other dependents it is best to include everyone in this process; give fair consideration to each person’s minimal needs and include them in the fair bargaining process to increase each person’s share of the mutual wealth of time and resources that are collectively owned by all of the members of the home.
Fledgling author Greg Gourdian has worked with the general public as a psychic reader for a little over four years from 1981 to 1986. Much of his written work is channeled, although he will admit that he has no idea who many of the sources for his channeled work may be. He has many strange tales to tell regarding his spiritual journey and he attempts to tell his tales in a humorous or entertaining manner. While not an accredited teacher, Greg has taught classes in psychology, sociology, metaphysics and parapsychology.
However much we may love someone we may sometimes find ourselves in serious conflict with them. One of the most common areas of conflict is over money. Both partners must be willing to make sacrifices in how they spend money to try to make things work. When only one partner makes sacrifices things are heading toward a break up.
Partners in a relationship must sacrifice themselves for the good of their relationship, but too much sacrifice will do more harm than good, particularly when each of us sees ourselves as having sacrificed more than our partner has.
There are many things we may sacrifice. Our time or money or our preferences regarding everything from our friends or how we dress to what we eat or what entertainment we may most enjoy or even more things may need to be sacrificed. If we fail to make some of these sacrifices our partners may feel unloved. If we make too many of these sacrifices we may resent our partners for seeming to require too much of us.
Both partners may feel they sacrifice too much and both may be correct. One partner may feel that they give up too much time or freedom while the other partner may feel they give up too much of their comfort or security.
Both complaints may be valid and need to be considered fairly. Sometimes there is an effort to ‘trade off’ but most of these things are like apples and oranges and it is hard to see the relative value of each in terms of the other or to know what a fair compromise may really be. Too often both partners continue to feel they are getting the short end of the deal no matter how much each feels they sacrifice for the other.
In response to feeling we may be getting less than our partner, one partner or both partners may go out and lavish rewards upon themselves spending a small fortune on what each desires perhaps without rational concern for the consequences. If we allow this sort of behavior to get out of hand we may find ourselves descending into unmanageable debt.
Perhaps the fastest way to resolve conflicts regarding what we feel we sacrifice for one another may be to strip everything down to the bare minimum, the absolute bare minimum.
One thing which should be reduced is our egoistic concerns for the quality or expense of our clothes. Wear what is appropriate to work but no more. Choose generic goods not designer labels. Off the rack, not custom tailored. Enough outfits for a single week and not a month. This does not mean that we must continue to reduce ourselves to this minimum standard indefinitely; it is only one of many things we can do to reach a starting point for a fair and equitable lifestyle that balances our own needs with the needs of our partner.
It will also be appropriate to give up some entertainment. A few books which we resell or trade, or some movie rentals may be ok but ‘collecting’ such things for the pleasure of owning them may need to be put on hold for awhile. Going to concerts or sporting events where there is no mutual interest or time to go together may need to be forsaken for a while as well. Keep in touch with music online or on the radio, keep up with sports teams in news reports from papers or on television. Both partners must reduce the time and money invested in these side interests to a bare minimum to reach a fair bargaining point where some of these activities may later be reintroduced through careful bargaining.
Plan meals together and trade off preparing simple favorite meals. Keep the effort and the expense of meal preparations to a reasonable minimum. We should temporarily give up any snacks or treats that are our selfish pleasures, particularly those which may put us at risk with regard to our health. Putting our health at risk is a sure fire way to say to our partner that we do not care either for ourselves or for them. We should eat basic and nourishing foods for awhile rather than a diet rich in our favorite indulgences. Again, some of these things may be reintroduced later, but not right away.
Another area where we may need to reduce our lifestyles to a minimum standard may be in regard to the time we spend with our personal friends outside of work or our home. Our friends can be wonderful resources for us, but if too much of our lives are consumed by our other relationships we may be bankrupting the one relationship which matters most.
In this manner, wherever there is time or money expended outside of the primary relationship we have with our partner those things should be curtailed. The practical goal of achieving a minimalized lifestyle is two-fold:
One part of the goal is to put ourselves in a situation where we have more time to spend with our partner so that we may talk or play together more often.
The other part of our goal is to develop a lifestyle where our budget is no longer strained and we can actually begin to save money rather than going into debt. Our debt must be resolved or we must develop a lifestyle which makes it possible to resolve our debt within our means.
Once we each have more time to invest with our partners there will be less jealousy about what each partner sacrifices because it is our time together which should mean more than anything else to both partners.
When we can learn to manage our debt successfully we may then slowly begin to reintroduce some special things which we desire if they are within our means to do so without either taking too much of our time away from our partner or seriously hampering our recovery from debt. We must think twice about everything we want, once for ourselves, and once to include what we will be giving our partner in the bargain we need to make to get what we desire.
We need to discuss with our partners any changes we wish to make to reintroduce some of the special things which we have given up and we must agree on which things each of us will be allowed to have in advance. We must seek a fair balance in what we choose for ourselves and in what we agree our partners may have so that both of us are in agreement about the equitability of our choices and the impact our choices will have on our budget and on the amount and quality of the time which we make available to our partner to be spent together.
From a minimalist standard of living many things which we may find both rewarding and fulfilling may be added back into our lifestyles at very little cost in either time or money. But with opulent lifestyles burdened by debt every pleasure we seek has a hidden consequence within our consciences that makes us feel guilty and defensive. Our guilt and defensiveness become hostility; we may then use these negative emotions to justify our self destructive or relationship destructive behavior thereby possibly exacerbating our opulent lifestyles and further undermining the amount and quality of time we may spend with our partners or adding to the burden of our debt.
Where conflict arises we must quell it through mutual and total self sacrifice; from there we may begin to learn anew how best to find those pleasures and rewards in our lives which most enhance not only our own health, joy and happiness but which also enhances the quality of the time and joy which we may share with our partner.
Note: In homes with children or other dependents it is best to include everyone in this process; give fair consideration to each person’s minimal needs and include them in the fair bargaining process to increase each person’s share of the mutual wealth of time and resources that are collectively owned by all of the members of the home.
Fledgling author Greg Gourdian has worked with the general public as a psychic reader for a little over four years from 1981 to 1986. Much of his written work is channeled, although he will admit that he has no idea who many of the sources for his channeled work may be. He has many strange tales to tell regarding his spiritual journey and he attempts to tell his tales in a humorous or entertaining manner. While not an accredited teacher, Greg has taught classes in psychology, sociology, metaphysics and parapsychology.
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
About Love – Letting Go
CREDITS: New Release, Amanda, Mahla, Kristin, Aurora, Tepet, and several who have passed from life but who returned today to proof this article with me and to cry with joy for the wonder of our love.
About Love – Letting Go
At times we face a terrible moment in our lives when we realize we must lose someone we love. Whether the one we love is leaving us temporarily to go to a new school or job, or we are breaking up from a relationship, or our loved one is dying or has passed on, it is a very hard thing to let go of someone we love and to let them go on without us.
Perhaps the most terrible pain we may face in life is to lose someone near and dear to us. It may seem as if the pain of our loss will utterly destroy us. It may seem so terrible that we cannot want to go on living without them. Indeed many people pine away after they lose their lifelong lover and simply will themselves to die, while others take a quicker step through the dark door from life to death.
It is the most horrible thing I know how to feel to be missing someone I have loved, even if they are in the room next door. For once the reality of our separation from someone we have dearly loved appears we may be bereaved to a point of utter desolation.
In whatever manner we become parted from our loved one, whether they most go to seek their fortunes, or are taken away from us by duty, whether they leave us by choice or are taken by death, we may feel painfully alone and inconsolable in our grief. But we must go on. To do anything less than to hold our chins high and meet the new empty day with courage and confidence in ourselves only demeans the truth and beauty of the love we shared with the child, parent, lover or friend whom we are missing.
Whether our loved one stands on the other side of life’s dark doorway into the beyond that we fear as death, or whether they only stand in the next room away from us, a deep part of those whom we love will always love us in return and be concerned for us and want us to go on and to be happy. Our love is an eternal thing; it exists outside of time and space and fills the universe with its joy from end to end in the moment it first blossoms in our hearts. We ephemerally limited beings often fail to see this truth because we live for the moment and as soon as the connection to the presence of our love has waned we begin to feel the painful separation of it and want to go back to that moment or move on quickly to the next moment when we are once more in the arms of one whom we love and can again feel the joy of our love overwhelm us with its sweet comfort.
Love is so far beyond all other joys in life that our entire lives may seem to be eclipsed in the moment we lose someone we dearly love. What would be the worth and joy of love if this were not so? Love is valued beyond measure, it is so infinite in regard to the depths it penetrates us to reach our soul. Love is a liberating force that frees us from fear and pain and worry and loss. Love is an uplifting force that motivates us to strive to be our very best. Love is a binding force that knits us warmly to our family, friends, communities and world. But love does not complete us or make us whole.
We must be complete and whole and we must fully and unconditionally love ourselves to be able to fully accept and experience the love that is shared between two people. Love may complement us so that two people with different strengths are stronger together than they could be individually. Love may balance us so that where we are timid or overly brave our loved one may show us a different way to be that can help us to live happier healthier lives. Love makes so much more of us than we may be aware of in ourselves because it brings the fresh perspective of another person’s perceptions of ourselves to us to teach us truths about ourselves that we were missing or could not see or understand.
So when we face the terrible moment when we lose someone we dearly love we seem to lose so much more than just the person we love, we seem to lose parts of ourselves as well. Our grief goes beyond the outward loss of the person we love and encompasses an inner loss of ourselves, the loss of parts of us that blossomed in the gifted sight of our loved one’s eyes.
There seems so much to lose when we are parted from someone we dearly love, but all the loss is an illusion. We have been given so much in the sharing of our love with one another that we are forever made richer by the gifts of our love. While we cannot live eternally in the past to remain in the presence and effulgence of the love of someone we are missing, many of us do try to do just that. It is a natural response to hold onto our attachments to someone we love after they are gone, whether they will be gone only minutes or forever.
Holding onto our loved one through these strong attachments forged in the hot passion of our love is a dangerous thing that puts our lives at risk. Attachments to any part of the past may draw us away from living in the present moment and diminish our capacity to experience joy and happiness and love here and now. We may so divorce ourselves from our lives in the present moment that we become despondent or physically ill as a consequence because by holding onto these attachments we are neglecting ourselves and neglecting our lives, failing to care for ourselves adequately or to experience life fully with all the passion we have within us.
Again, this only demeans the gift of the love we have shared with the person whom we miss. Even if deeply estranged from us or miserably angry with us, deep in the hearts of our missing loved ones, where love always remains real and present, our loved ones would never want us to fail to live to the fullest depths of our capacity to experience joy and happiness and love.
So we must let go. Whether we are letting go for only minutes, hours, days, or eternity, we must simply let go of all of our attachments to anyone we love. When we release ourselves from those attachments, whether in a healthy relationship, or in a relationship that has failed, or in circumstances in which we simply cannot remain together in our lives, we are actually enabling ourselves to experience the love we believe we are missing. We can never go back to the past to find our love for it is always in the present. When we release ourselves from our attachments to those we love we enable ourselves to experience the effulgence of our love completely without hesitation or reservation so that our lives once more are sweeter and full of comfort and joy.
So let go to let in the love that is real. Accept today for what it is, an opportunity to find everything you may seek in life and to love and be loved by everyone you meet. And who knows? With your head held up and your eyes wide open someone very special may appear that you may otherwise have missed. So let go to let love return to your heart. Just let go.
I know this may sound difficult to do but it is really not so hard to do. When you feel the love that is an attachment it always leads to a moment in the past where the pain of separation still dwells. Learn to anticipate that pain and to move away from it before it can return to you. You move away from it by engaging the real world around you in whatever way it most urgently needs to be addressed, whether it is chores or exercise or adventuring, when you let go your life moves on and you make your life richer now.
Fledgling author Greg Gourdian has worked with the general public as a psychic reader for a little over four years from 1981 to 1986. Much of his written work is channeled, although he will admit that he has no idea who many of the sources for his channeled work may be. He has many strange tales to tell regarding his spiritual journey and he attempts to tell his tales in a humorous or entertaining manner. While not an accredited teacher, Greg has taught classes in psychology, sociology, metaphysics and parapsychology.
About Love – Letting Go
At times we face a terrible moment in our lives when we realize we must lose someone we love. Whether the one we love is leaving us temporarily to go to a new school or job, or we are breaking up from a relationship, or our loved one is dying or has passed on, it is a very hard thing to let go of someone we love and to let them go on without us.
Perhaps the most terrible pain we may face in life is to lose someone near and dear to us. It may seem as if the pain of our loss will utterly destroy us. It may seem so terrible that we cannot want to go on living without them. Indeed many people pine away after they lose their lifelong lover and simply will themselves to die, while others take a quicker step through the dark door from life to death.
It is the most horrible thing I know how to feel to be missing someone I have loved, even if they are in the room next door. For once the reality of our separation from someone we have dearly loved appears we may be bereaved to a point of utter desolation.
In whatever manner we become parted from our loved one, whether they most go to seek their fortunes, or are taken away from us by duty, whether they leave us by choice or are taken by death, we may feel painfully alone and inconsolable in our grief. But we must go on. To do anything less than to hold our chins high and meet the new empty day with courage and confidence in ourselves only demeans the truth and beauty of the love we shared with the child, parent, lover or friend whom we are missing.
Whether our loved one stands on the other side of life’s dark doorway into the beyond that we fear as death, or whether they only stand in the next room away from us, a deep part of those whom we love will always love us in return and be concerned for us and want us to go on and to be happy. Our love is an eternal thing; it exists outside of time and space and fills the universe with its joy from end to end in the moment it first blossoms in our hearts. We ephemerally limited beings often fail to see this truth because we live for the moment and as soon as the connection to the presence of our love has waned we begin to feel the painful separation of it and want to go back to that moment or move on quickly to the next moment when we are once more in the arms of one whom we love and can again feel the joy of our love overwhelm us with its sweet comfort.
Love is so far beyond all other joys in life that our entire lives may seem to be eclipsed in the moment we lose someone we dearly love. What would be the worth and joy of love if this were not so? Love is valued beyond measure, it is so infinite in regard to the depths it penetrates us to reach our soul. Love is a liberating force that frees us from fear and pain and worry and loss. Love is an uplifting force that motivates us to strive to be our very best. Love is a binding force that knits us warmly to our family, friends, communities and world. But love does not complete us or make us whole.
We must be complete and whole and we must fully and unconditionally love ourselves to be able to fully accept and experience the love that is shared between two people. Love may complement us so that two people with different strengths are stronger together than they could be individually. Love may balance us so that where we are timid or overly brave our loved one may show us a different way to be that can help us to live happier healthier lives. Love makes so much more of us than we may be aware of in ourselves because it brings the fresh perspective of another person’s perceptions of ourselves to us to teach us truths about ourselves that we were missing or could not see or understand.
So when we face the terrible moment when we lose someone we dearly love we seem to lose so much more than just the person we love, we seem to lose parts of ourselves as well. Our grief goes beyond the outward loss of the person we love and encompasses an inner loss of ourselves, the loss of parts of us that blossomed in the gifted sight of our loved one’s eyes.
There seems so much to lose when we are parted from someone we dearly love, but all the loss is an illusion. We have been given so much in the sharing of our love with one another that we are forever made richer by the gifts of our love. While we cannot live eternally in the past to remain in the presence and effulgence of the love of someone we are missing, many of us do try to do just that. It is a natural response to hold onto our attachments to someone we love after they are gone, whether they will be gone only minutes or forever.
Holding onto our loved one through these strong attachments forged in the hot passion of our love is a dangerous thing that puts our lives at risk. Attachments to any part of the past may draw us away from living in the present moment and diminish our capacity to experience joy and happiness and love here and now. We may so divorce ourselves from our lives in the present moment that we become despondent or physically ill as a consequence because by holding onto these attachments we are neglecting ourselves and neglecting our lives, failing to care for ourselves adequately or to experience life fully with all the passion we have within us.
Again, this only demeans the gift of the love we have shared with the person whom we miss. Even if deeply estranged from us or miserably angry with us, deep in the hearts of our missing loved ones, where love always remains real and present, our loved ones would never want us to fail to live to the fullest depths of our capacity to experience joy and happiness and love.
So we must let go. Whether we are letting go for only minutes, hours, days, or eternity, we must simply let go of all of our attachments to anyone we love. When we release ourselves from those attachments, whether in a healthy relationship, or in a relationship that has failed, or in circumstances in which we simply cannot remain together in our lives, we are actually enabling ourselves to experience the love we believe we are missing. We can never go back to the past to find our love for it is always in the present. When we release ourselves from our attachments to those we love we enable ourselves to experience the effulgence of our love completely without hesitation or reservation so that our lives once more are sweeter and full of comfort and joy.
So let go to let in the love that is real. Accept today for what it is, an opportunity to find everything you may seek in life and to love and be loved by everyone you meet. And who knows? With your head held up and your eyes wide open someone very special may appear that you may otherwise have missed. So let go to let love return to your heart. Just let go.
I know this may sound difficult to do but it is really not so hard to do. When you feel the love that is an attachment it always leads to a moment in the past where the pain of separation still dwells. Learn to anticipate that pain and to move away from it before it can return to you. You move away from it by engaging the real world around you in whatever way it most urgently needs to be addressed, whether it is chores or exercise or adventuring, when you let go your life moves on and you make your life richer now.
Fledgling author Greg Gourdian has worked with the general public as a psychic reader for a little over four years from 1981 to 1986. Much of his written work is channeled, although he will admit that he has no idea who many of the sources for his channeled work may be. He has many strange tales to tell regarding his spiritual journey and he attempts to tell his tales in a humorous or entertaining manner. While not an accredited teacher, Greg has taught classes in psychology, sociology, metaphysics and parapsychology.
Monday, October 09, 2006
About Love – Loving Unconditionally
You may be familiar with the term unconditional love, but have you learned to practice this powerful concept? Unconditional love is a transformational gift that empowers us and those whom we love to become the best that we can be. It is fundamental to our happiness and wellbeing to learn how to love ourselves and others unconditionally.
Unconditional love is more than a powerful concept it is has the genuine power to heal both ourselves and people around us. When we love someone unconditionally we accept them with all of their flaws and weaknesses and transform those things within them which may be hard for them to accept into things they may more easily accept and deal with. When we accept ourselves for who we are with all our flaws then we empower ourselves to change and improve ourselves. Unconditional love tells another person that those things within themselves which they find fault with are ok, that they can accept those things about themselves and not feel badly about themselves or punish themselves for those things. And of course, when we love ourselves unconditionally we receive the same message and empower ourselves to grow and become better people.
Unfortunately it is part of the nature of our human condition to use our love as a manipulative tool. We may think we are trying to change something about someone we love for the better by placing conditions on our love, but this simply isn’t true. By making our love for either ourselves or for others conditional we limit our love and effectively say we do not love ourselves or we do not love others in regard to whatever conditions we have defined.
Withdrawing our love from ourselves and from others can only ever harm both the person who feels less loved and the person who limits their love. A person who feels unloved by us may feel less love for themselves by finding fault with themselves for which they then withhold their own love of themselves doing themselves more harm. Or a person who has been denied love based on conditions may resent the limits of the love they have received and become angry or bitter toward someone who otherwise might love them. So conditional love is very harmful, it is not really love at all because it has the power to do so much harm.
We should never place limits or conditions on our love for anyone else, including ourselves. It is an injustice to love anyone, including ourselves, in any conditional manner. We should always look within ourselves and other people for those places where we feel our love may be constrained by any judgment or criticism and let go of that judgment or criticism and accept ourselves and everyone else for who we are now. When we limit our love and predicate the full effulgence of our love on conditions which must first be met we are being selfish and manipulative. Love can never arise from selfish or manipulative behavior it can only be spoiled by these.
It may seem hard to love other people unconditionally. We may feel someone we otherwise might love unconditionally has a particular character trait which we feel is repulsive and we may want them to change that in order to make themselves worthy of our love. That is such a selfish ego game. Who are we to decide for others how they should be? It may be the case that someone who cares for us may discover for themselves what they may want to change about themselves which may make it easier for us to love them but they must do that of their own accord in their own good time and not be pushed to change or be manipulated to change because this pushing manipulative behavior is selfish and aggressive and may cause unpleasant reactions in which the person we feel we might otherwise love resents us and becomes angry with us.
So whenever we come across any limits we may feel in our loving regard for others or for ourselves we should change ourselves in response to those limits and learn to accept and to love in response to such feelings without limits or conditions. Love is not about putting ourselves ahead of everyone else, but when we love someone in a conditional manner that is exactly what we are doing; we are putting what we want ahead of truly loving someone.
We impoverish our lives by the limits which we place on our love. Worse, we impoverish the lives of others whom we should love unconditionally. We cannot afford this sort of poverty of our spirits. It demeans us, making less of us in our own eyes as well as in the eyes of others. Only by embracing ourselves and everyone we meet with our full effulgent and unconditional love can we empower ourselves to love and to heal ourselves and to love and help heal those around us whoever they may be.
We must let go of all of our terms and conditions and judgments and criticism and accept the world as it is and accept everyone in the world as they are. Acceptance is an incredibly powerful fulcrum which enables our love to be a lever that moves the world. We may move the world with our love in every moment, and the world will love us all back the more in return.
When we empower ourselves to be unconditionally loving to everyone we meet, including ourselves we will have never regret it; instead we will make ourselves and everyone we meet happier, healthier more loving human beings.
Fledgling author Greg Gourdian has worked with the general public as a psychic reader for a little over four years from 1981 to 1986. Much of his written work is channeled, although he will admit that he has no idea who many of the sources for his channeled work may be. He has many strange tales to tell regarding his spiritual journey and he attempts to tell his tales in a humorous or entertaining manner. While not an accredited teacher, Greg has taught classes in psychology, sociology, metaphysics and parapsychology.
Unconditional love is more than a powerful concept it is has the genuine power to heal both ourselves and people around us. When we love someone unconditionally we accept them with all of their flaws and weaknesses and transform those things within them which may be hard for them to accept into things they may more easily accept and deal with. When we accept ourselves for who we are with all our flaws then we empower ourselves to change and improve ourselves. Unconditional love tells another person that those things within themselves which they find fault with are ok, that they can accept those things about themselves and not feel badly about themselves or punish themselves for those things. And of course, when we love ourselves unconditionally we receive the same message and empower ourselves to grow and become better people.
Unfortunately it is part of the nature of our human condition to use our love as a manipulative tool. We may think we are trying to change something about someone we love for the better by placing conditions on our love, but this simply isn’t true. By making our love for either ourselves or for others conditional we limit our love and effectively say we do not love ourselves or we do not love others in regard to whatever conditions we have defined.
Withdrawing our love from ourselves and from others can only ever harm both the person who feels less loved and the person who limits their love. A person who feels unloved by us may feel less love for themselves by finding fault with themselves for which they then withhold their own love of themselves doing themselves more harm. Or a person who has been denied love based on conditions may resent the limits of the love they have received and become angry or bitter toward someone who otherwise might love them. So conditional love is very harmful, it is not really love at all because it has the power to do so much harm.
We should never place limits or conditions on our love for anyone else, including ourselves. It is an injustice to love anyone, including ourselves, in any conditional manner. We should always look within ourselves and other people for those places where we feel our love may be constrained by any judgment or criticism and let go of that judgment or criticism and accept ourselves and everyone else for who we are now. When we limit our love and predicate the full effulgence of our love on conditions which must first be met we are being selfish and manipulative. Love can never arise from selfish or manipulative behavior it can only be spoiled by these.
It may seem hard to love other people unconditionally. We may feel someone we otherwise might love unconditionally has a particular character trait which we feel is repulsive and we may want them to change that in order to make themselves worthy of our love. That is such a selfish ego game. Who are we to decide for others how they should be? It may be the case that someone who cares for us may discover for themselves what they may want to change about themselves which may make it easier for us to love them but they must do that of their own accord in their own good time and not be pushed to change or be manipulated to change because this pushing manipulative behavior is selfish and aggressive and may cause unpleasant reactions in which the person we feel we might otherwise love resents us and becomes angry with us.
So whenever we come across any limits we may feel in our loving regard for others or for ourselves we should change ourselves in response to those limits and learn to accept and to love in response to such feelings without limits or conditions. Love is not about putting ourselves ahead of everyone else, but when we love someone in a conditional manner that is exactly what we are doing; we are putting what we want ahead of truly loving someone.
We impoverish our lives by the limits which we place on our love. Worse, we impoverish the lives of others whom we should love unconditionally. We cannot afford this sort of poverty of our spirits. It demeans us, making less of us in our own eyes as well as in the eyes of others. Only by embracing ourselves and everyone we meet with our full effulgent and unconditional love can we empower ourselves to love and to heal ourselves and to love and help heal those around us whoever they may be.
We must let go of all of our terms and conditions and judgments and criticism and accept the world as it is and accept everyone in the world as they are. Acceptance is an incredibly powerful fulcrum which enables our love to be a lever that moves the world. We may move the world with our love in every moment, and the world will love us all back the more in return.
When we empower ourselves to be unconditionally loving to everyone we meet, including ourselves we will have never regret it; instead we will make ourselves and everyone we meet happier, healthier more loving human beings.
Fledgling author Greg Gourdian has worked with the general public as a psychic reader for a little over four years from 1981 to 1986. Much of his written work is channeled, although he will admit that he has no idea who many of the sources for his channeled work may be. He has many strange tales to tell regarding his spiritual journey and he attempts to tell his tales in a humorous or entertaining manner. While not an accredited teacher, Greg has taught classes in psychology, sociology, metaphysics and parapsychology.
Sunday, October 08, 2006
Soul Mates and Twin Spirits – What Are They Really?
Many of us have had a distinctive experience of having met someone for the first time, someone with whom we feel we are incontrovertibly connected deep within our souls. We may believe this new person is our soul mate or our twin soul. But what are our soul mates or twin spirits really? Can we truly be linked to another spirit and destined to meet one another in many different incarnations? Were we somehow made for one another by a divine creator who provides for all of us someone special with whom we may share our lives?
Like many spiritual beliefs, the concepts of twin spirits or soul mates are predicated upon deep spiritual experiences for which there are really no adequate words. We use metaphors to try to describe such experiences until the experiences become so commonplace that new words evolve to more accurately describe our experiences or the metaphors stick like glue and we come to accept the metaphor as a literal description when in fact it may still fall short of being a valid description of our experience.
While it is undeniably true that many of us have experiences in which we recognize another soul with whom we are intimately connected in some inexplicable way, perhaps we should examine the metaphors we use to describe these experiences to shed some light on what may really be going on. Metaphors are used to apply past experiences which we understand to new experiences which we have no proper concepts for. Without clearly understood concepts we can have no words which accurately describe our new experiences which is why we must resort to metaphors. But a metaphor is only an approximate likeness between two experiences which will usually accurately describe our familiar experience but which will provide only a reasonably close ‘as-if’ description of our new experience.
So when we meet someone with whom we feel we share a common past or destiny we search for a way to explain this feeling and our culture has developed the concepts of soul mates and twin spirits to accommodate our need for words to describe how we feel.
The metaphors of soul mates and twin spirits come from our real experiences with having partners in life, our mates, or having known someone with a twin, a biological condition. Both indicate a degree of relatedness that is above and beyond the way we appear to be related to most other people in our lives and that is the essence of what we are trying to express when we find someone with whom we communicate on a very deep level of our souls.
Neither marriage nor twins may have any real meaning in regard to our spirits, so the popular concepts of soul mates and twin spirits may be off the mark in the context of the spiritual reality of our souls. We may have wonderful people in our lives with whom we are deeply connected whom we may have a great affinity for in the context of our spiritual lives beyond the limits of our incarnations, but they may not be our twins or mates, but something other for which we have not yet found adequate words to accurately describe these very special relationships.
Marriage is a societal convention, mates are temporary phenomena, the lives of our souls in the spirit world may have vastly different social conventions and we may have many mates all of whom are special to us each in their own way but none of whom we may be mated to or married to in any sense that is either permanent or exclusive of someone else.
Likewise, this special person with whom we share an incredibly intimate bond may not be related to us in the manner of a twin. Our spirits seem unlikely to have grown from a single egg and our spirits all share the same womb from which they were born so we cannot be twins in the fraternal sense in any manner that may be considered special since in the ultimate sense we must then all be twins to one another including every other spirit in creation.
However, there are considerations which may make the concepts of soul mates and spiritual twins valid metaphors for our experiences of being thoroughly connected with another person’s soul.
Perhaps our souls have somehow divided themselves and our souls have thereby created an independent twin or a soul mate. This is one explanation I can offer which would make soul mates or twin spirits a reasonably valid metaphor for the experience of meeting a very special person. When I examine the beginning of creation at the time our souls are created I do not see any of us in the roles of twins or mates. So if soul mates or twin spirits truly exist then perhaps they must come much later. If they did come later then that would make them a different order of being from what I would call our primary souls; those infinite sparks cast forth in the first moment of creation. Each of our primary souls is like a hologram such that every one of us contains every one of us within ourselves. If we were to become divided and become two separate specially related souls we might then be twin spirits, but we would no longer be the primary soul from which we originally came, even though each of the souls we have become has its origin in a pre-existing undivided state of our soul.
Another possibility would be that twin spirits or soul mates may simply have shared many experiences together over many different incarnations or have always remained close to one another throughout most of their experiences in the spiritual world of our souls.
Soul mates are sometimes described as being paired opposites, however opposites is a weak term to describe this state of connectedness since it appears to preclude areas where two 'soul mates' may be very much alike.
The philosophy of twin spirits or soul mates is most often predicated upon a belief that god provided for every one of us a perfect mate. But then why is finding that perfect mate so difficult? Has god created our perfect mate only to challenge us to find them? I doubt that it is like that, god does not seem perverse to me.
I think we all began in an identical state or condition and that we have then evolved into what we will become. I think the concept of twin spirits or soul mates is too limiting in regard to the potential scope of our love, and that we are meant to love everyone and are not meant to cling to only one special soul throughout eternity.
Of course I may be mistaken, these are only my thoughts of the moment and my position may change as I consider these questions more carefully over time.
One issue I have with the concepts of soul mates and spiritual twins is that they are predicated upon the cognitive process of duality and ultimately duality is an illusion imposed upon us by our limited abilities to think clearly. Again, I may be mistaken, but I do not think that duality applies to who we are as spirits in the most primal sense of our being. Duality appears to be only a tool for picking apart our experiences so that our conscious minds can discover useful terms with which to describe our experiences.
Regardless of the validity of the metaphors we use to describe the sweet experiences we have of meeting someone with whom we may feel we have shared eternity, many of us most definitely connect in a very unique and intimate manner with some very special person in our lives. Thos people with whom we click in this extraordinary manner often become pivotal people in transforming our lives for the better so that we help one another to grow and to evolve as more loving, nurturing and compassionate human beings.
If you are lucky enough to believe you have found your soul mate or a spiritual twin you then should go for broke. The person whom you have found may indeed reflect that belief in your deep union and prove to be a loving partner or a deeply cherished friend well worth knowing and loving and keeping close to you in your present incarnation on earth.
Fledgling author Greg Gourdian has worked with the general public as a psychic reader for a little over four years from 1981 to 1986. Much of his written work is channeled, although he will admit that he has no idea who many of the sources for his channeled work may be. He has many strange tales to tell regarding his spiritual journey and he attempts to tell his tales in a humorous or entertaining manner. While not an accredited teacher, Greg has taught classes in psychology, sociology, metaphysics and parapsychology.
Like many spiritual beliefs, the concepts of twin spirits or soul mates are predicated upon deep spiritual experiences for which there are really no adequate words. We use metaphors to try to describe such experiences until the experiences become so commonplace that new words evolve to more accurately describe our experiences or the metaphors stick like glue and we come to accept the metaphor as a literal description when in fact it may still fall short of being a valid description of our experience.
While it is undeniably true that many of us have experiences in which we recognize another soul with whom we are intimately connected in some inexplicable way, perhaps we should examine the metaphors we use to describe these experiences to shed some light on what may really be going on. Metaphors are used to apply past experiences which we understand to new experiences which we have no proper concepts for. Without clearly understood concepts we can have no words which accurately describe our new experiences which is why we must resort to metaphors. But a metaphor is only an approximate likeness between two experiences which will usually accurately describe our familiar experience but which will provide only a reasonably close ‘as-if’ description of our new experience.
So when we meet someone with whom we feel we share a common past or destiny we search for a way to explain this feeling and our culture has developed the concepts of soul mates and twin spirits to accommodate our need for words to describe how we feel.
The metaphors of soul mates and twin spirits come from our real experiences with having partners in life, our mates, or having known someone with a twin, a biological condition. Both indicate a degree of relatedness that is above and beyond the way we appear to be related to most other people in our lives and that is the essence of what we are trying to express when we find someone with whom we communicate on a very deep level of our souls.
Neither marriage nor twins may have any real meaning in regard to our spirits, so the popular concepts of soul mates and twin spirits may be off the mark in the context of the spiritual reality of our souls. We may have wonderful people in our lives with whom we are deeply connected whom we may have a great affinity for in the context of our spiritual lives beyond the limits of our incarnations, but they may not be our twins or mates, but something other for which we have not yet found adequate words to accurately describe these very special relationships.
Marriage is a societal convention, mates are temporary phenomena, the lives of our souls in the spirit world may have vastly different social conventions and we may have many mates all of whom are special to us each in their own way but none of whom we may be mated to or married to in any sense that is either permanent or exclusive of someone else.
Likewise, this special person with whom we share an incredibly intimate bond may not be related to us in the manner of a twin. Our spirits seem unlikely to have grown from a single egg and our spirits all share the same womb from which they were born so we cannot be twins in the fraternal sense in any manner that may be considered special since in the ultimate sense we must then all be twins to one another including every other spirit in creation.
However, there are considerations which may make the concepts of soul mates and spiritual twins valid metaphors for our experiences of being thoroughly connected with another person’s soul.
Perhaps our souls have somehow divided themselves and our souls have thereby created an independent twin or a soul mate. This is one explanation I can offer which would make soul mates or twin spirits a reasonably valid metaphor for the experience of meeting a very special person. When I examine the beginning of creation at the time our souls are created I do not see any of us in the roles of twins or mates. So if soul mates or twin spirits truly exist then perhaps they must come much later. If they did come later then that would make them a different order of being from what I would call our primary souls; those infinite sparks cast forth in the first moment of creation. Each of our primary souls is like a hologram such that every one of us contains every one of us within ourselves. If we were to become divided and become two separate specially related souls we might then be twin spirits, but we would no longer be the primary soul from which we originally came, even though each of the souls we have become has its origin in a pre-existing undivided state of our soul.
Another possibility would be that twin spirits or soul mates may simply have shared many experiences together over many different incarnations or have always remained close to one another throughout most of their experiences in the spiritual world of our souls.
Soul mates are sometimes described as being paired opposites, however opposites is a weak term to describe this state of connectedness since it appears to preclude areas where two 'soul mates' may be very much alike.
The philosophy of twin spirits or soul mates is most often predicated upon a belief that god provided for every one of us a perfect mate. But then why is finding that perfect mate so difficult? Has god created our perfect mate only to challenge us to find them? I doubt that it is like that, god does not seem perverse to me.
I think we all began in an identical state or condition and that we have then evolved into what we will become. I think the concept of twin spirits or soul mates is too limiting in regard to the potential scope of our love, and that we are meant to love everyone and are not meant to cling to only one special soul throughout eternity.
Of course I may be mistaken, these are only my thoughts of the moment and my position may change as I consider these questions more carefully over time.
One issue I have with the concepts of soul mates and spiritual twins is that they are predicated upon the cognitive process of duality and ultimately duality is an illusion imposed upon us by our limited abilities to think clearly. Again, I may be mistaken, but I do not think that duality applies to who we are as spirits in the most primal sense of our being. Duality appears to be only a tool for picking apart our experiences so that our conscious minds can discover useful terms with which to describe our experiences.
Regardless of the validity of the metaphors we use to describe the sweet experiences we have of meeting someone with whom we may feel we have shared eternity, many of us most definitely connect in a very unique and intimate manner with some very special person in our lives. Thos people with whom we click in this extraordinary manner often become pivotal people in transforming our lives for the better so that we help one another to grow and to evolve as more loving, nurturing and compassionate human beings.
If you are lucky enough to believe you have found your soul mate or a spiritual twin you then should go for broke. The person whom you have found may indeed reflect that belief in your deep union and prove to be a loving partner or a deeply cherished friend well worth knowing and loving and keeping close to you in your present incarnation on earth.
Fledgling author Greg Gourdian has worked with the general public as a psychic reader for a little over four years from 1981 to 1986. Much of his written work is channeled, although he will admit that he has no idea who many of the sources for his channeled work may be. He has many strange tales to tell regarding his spiritual journey and he attempts to tell his tales in a humorous or entertaining manner. While not an accredited teacher, Greg has taught classes in psychology, sociology, metaphysics and parapsychology.
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